Everything You Need To Know About Reduction Mammoplasty Surgery

Everything You Need To Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

Everything You Need To Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

Heavy Breasts out of proportion to the body is often a cause of mental and physical distress to many. Big, heavy breasts can lead to frequent back, shoulder, and neck pain, infections under the breast, difficulty in performing exertional physical activity like running, inability to wear well-fitting clothes of choice, and excessive consciousness because of the size of breasts. All these symptoms can be alleviated by breast reduction surgery and allow you to lead a normal life with natural-looking, smaller-sized breasts.

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is aimed at reducing the size of your heavy breasts to a more harmonious size for your body. The breast is reshaped by removing excess skin, fat and glandular tissue and restored to a natural-looking breast of a smaller size. The areola which is often stretched out in cases of bigger size breasts is also reduced in size. A simultaneous breast lift is achieved against the down-facing drooping state of the heavy breasts. The result is instantaneous and most women undergoing breast reduction surgery are exceptionally happy with the outcomes.

Why you may consider Breast Reduction

● Chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain because of large breasts
● Repeated skin irritation/infection under or near the breast
● Restricted physical activity due to large breasts
● Unable to find well-fitting clothes as a result of large breasts
● Poor self-image or embarrassment due to large breasts

5 things to know before Breast Reduction

  1. It is not necessary to accompany breast reduction with breast lifts. In some cases, you only need breast reduction surgery which includes adjusting or repositioning the nipples to give them a natural and perky look.
  2. The type of surgery depends on various factors including the current breast size and composition. It is recommended to consult a board-certified surgeon to discuss the procedure and size of the reduction.
  3. After the surgery, you may expect a scar that will fade over time. The shape and size of the scar depend on the surgery planned.
  4. Although the result of the surgery is almost instantaneous, the final result can be appreciated by the end of 3 months once the swelling finally subsides. The relief from physical symptoms of large breasts can be felt immediately after surgery.
  5. After the surgery, it is recommended to avoid knackering work or vigorous exercises for at least a month in order to help your body heal and recover fast from the surgery. Light work and exercise can be started after 2 weeks of surgery. Breast Reduction or Reduction Mammoplasty is one of the most common surgeries with a high rate of patient satisfaction. Studies also show that there is an increase in self-confidence, energy, and stamina along with comfort level. It is necessary to always choose a board-certified plastic surgeon for the procedure for the best results.

What is the Procedure for Reduction Mammoplasty Surgery?

  1. Initial Consultation: The journey begins with a comprehensive consultation with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon assesses the patient’s medical history, discusses their concerns and goals, and conducts a thorough physical examination of the breasts.
  2. Preoperative Planning: Based on the patient’s unique anatomy and desired outcomes, the surgeon develops a customized surgical plan. This plan encompasses factors such as the optimal incision technique, the amount of tissue to be removed, and the desired breast size and shape.
  3. Anesthesia Administration: On the day of the surgery, the patient is placed under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort and safety throughout the procedure.
  4. Incision Placement: The surgeon carefully follows the predetermined incision pattern. Commonly used patterns include the anchor incision (around the areola, vertically down the breast, and along the inframammary fold) or the lollipop incision (around the areola and vertically down the breast).
  5. Tissue Removal and Reshaping: Through the incisions, the surgeon skillfully removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin. This step not only reduces breast size but also addresses sagging and asymmetry, resulting in a more youthful and proportionate contour.
  6. Nipple and Areola Adjustment: If necessary, the surgeon repositions the nipple and areola to a higher position on the breast mound, ensuring proper alignment with the new breast shape.
  7. Closing Incisions: After achieving the desired breast size and shape, the surgeon meticulously closes the incisions using sutures. These sutures may be absorbable, reducing the need for suture removal.
  8. Postoperative Dressings and Support: Sterile dressings and a supportive surgical bra are applied to promote proper healing and minimize swelling. Patients are typically instructed to wear the surgical bra during the initial stages of recovery.
  9. Recovery and Follow-Up: As the patient awakens from anesthesia, they are carefully monitored. Postoperative care instructions are provided, covering topics such as pain management, wound care, and activity restrictions. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor healing progress and address any concerns.
  10. Healing and Results: Over the coming weeks and months, swelling gradually subsides, revealing the final results. While some scarring is inevitable, its appearance diminishes with time. Patients can expect enhanced comfort, improved posture, and a rejuvenated breast appearance.
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Reduction Mammoplasty surgery involves a meticulously executed sequence of steps aimed at achieving both functional and aesthetic goals. Each stage of the procedure contributes to creating smaller, more balanced breasts that enhance the patient’s quality of life and overall well-being.

Benefits of Breast Reduction

  1. Helps in reducing back, shoulder, and neck pain
    The weight of heavy breasts can result in chronic back, shoulder, and neck pain. Significant relief from these symptoms is noted instantaneously post-breast reduction surgery.
  2. Helps in achieving a well-proportionate body
    Many women are conscious of having big breasts and choose it to achieve a well-proportionate body to maintain a desirable look. While there are various medical reasons to conduct breast reduction surgery, the cosmetic outcome of surgery is also among the top reasons to consider it. The ability to buy and wear well-fitting clothes of one’s choice is something that most women appreciate post-surgery.
  3. Improves Physical activity
    Some women may find difficulty in performing physical activities like running, jogging, playing tennis, etc due to heavy breasts and this can be improved with the help of breast reduction surgery.
  4. Improves Hygiene
    The large size of the breasts results in increased sweating and difficulty in cleaning under the breasts resulting in frequent infections. A small-sized breast can get rid of all these symptoms.
  5. Quick recovery time
    Breast reduction surgery is a safe procedure with a quick recovery time. The sutures heal in about 2 weeks. You will be able to perform all light activities from the next day of surgery. Light activities are advised for about 6 weeks until the sutures gain strength. Pain is completely controlled by pain killers and most patients are pain-free by 5 days post-surgery.

Cost of Breast Reduction in Mumbai

The cost of breast reduction surgery may vary in terms of countries, plastic surgeons,s and facilities available at the clinic. The basic cost of breast reduction surgery in Mumbai is in the range of Rs 80,000 to 4,00,000. The price for surgery depends on the procedure to be performed and the facility you choose for your surgery. It is a specialized surgery that should be performed by well-trained plastic surgeons only. To know more about affordable breast reduction surgery in Mumbai, contact us at Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery +91 94200 13366.

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