Things you should know before breast augmentation surgery

Things You Should Know Before Breast Augmentation Surgery - Dr Sudhanva
Things you should know before breast augmentation surgery

Things you should know before breast augmentation surgery

Breast augmentation surgery has gained significant popularity as a means to achieve one’s desired aesthetic goals. While it can undoubtedly be a life-changing experience, it’s important to approach this decision with careful consideration and thorough understanding. If you’re contemplating this type of breast surgery, there are several key factors you should be aware of before taking the plunge. In this article, we’ll guide you through the essential things you should know before undergoing breast augmentation surgery.

Reasons why women opt for Breast Augmentation

There are various reasons why women opt for this breast surgery,  Some of the  common reasons for mammoplasty are as follows:
1. Breast Asymmetry
2. Disproportionately Small Breasts.
3. Restoring breast fullness after pregnancy or weight loss.
4. Post-Mastectomy.

The essential things to know before undergoing breast augmentation surgery

Here are some important things which everyone should know before undergoing breast augmentation surgery for getting the best result.

Consultation: The First Crucial Step Before you book that surgery date, comprehensive consultation with a skilled plastic surgeon is an absolute must. This initial meeting serves as the foundation for your entire breast augmentation journey. During the consultation, you’ll discuss your goals, expectations, and any concerns you may have. Your surgeon will evaluate your medical history, overall health, and breast anatomy to determine the most suitable approach for your unique situation. Effective communication with your surgeon at this stage is pivotal to ensuring your desired results are attainable.

Implant Options: Shape, Size, and Material Breast implants come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, allowing you to customize your enhancement to suit your preferences. The two primary implant types are saline and silicone. Saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater, offering adjustability during surgery, while silicone implants tend to provide a more natural look and feel. Collaborate with your surgeon to choose the implant type that aligns with your body and aesthetic goals.

Incision Placement: An Artful Decision The choice of incision placement plays a significant role in the final outcome this surgery. There are several options, each with its own merits:

  • Inframammary: Under the breast fold
  • Periareolar: Around the areola’s edge
  • Transaxillary: Within the armpit area
  • Transumbilical: Through the navel

Recovery: Time, Patience, and Self-Care surgery necessitates a period of recovery, during which your body heals and adjusts to the changes. While discomfort, swelling, and bruising are common, they tend to diminish gradually. Prepare for some downtime and enlist help for daily activities during the initial recovery phase. Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions diligently and avoid strenuous activities until you receive the green light.

Long-Term Outlook: Maintenance and Monitoring It’s crucial to recognize that breast implants are not lifetime fixtures. Over time, you may need to consider implant replacement or removal. Regular check-ups with your surgeon are essential to monitor the health and integrity of your implants. Equally important is conducting self-examinations and being attuned to any changes in your breasts’ appearance or sensation.

Potential Risks: Informed Decision-Making As with any surgical procedure, breast augmentation carries inherent risks and potential complications. These may include infection, scarring, implant rupture, and changes in nipple sensitivity. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of these potential risks and discussing them with your surgeon will empower you to make an informed decision that aligns with your priorities and concerns.

Emotional Readiness: A Holistic Approach Undergoing breast augmentation surgery can trigger emotional and psychological shifts. It’s crucial to enter this journey with realistic expectations and a solid understanding of your motivations. Seeking support from loved ones or mental health professionals can provide valuable guidance as you navigate the emotional aspects of this process.

How to prepare for the surgery?

Breast Augmentation is performed by a plastic surgeon and for the safety of the patient the surgeon may ask you to follow a few steps.

1. Stop smoking: As the nicotine from smoking causes blood vessels to vasoconstriction, the risk of complications becomes high. It is recommended to stop smoking 4 weeks before and after undergoing the surgery.

2. Get a blood test: Surgeons opt for blood tests of patients before the surgery to assess fitness and ensure safe surgery.

3. Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs: As aspirin and a few anti-inflammatory drugs can increase the risk of bleeding, it is recommended to stop this medication 1 week before the surgery.

4. Discuss your implant options: Choosing the right implant is the most critical step of this surgery. Each implant has its uniqueness and benefits to meet your desired look, it is recommended to discuss the type, size, shape, and placement of implants with your surgeon before the surgery.

5. Follow a proper aftercare plan: Wearing a wireless sports bra for support and following the exercise instructions during the recovery period optimizes the healing process.


Empowerment Through Knowledge Breast augmentation surgery has the potential to enhance not only your physical appearance but also your self-confidence. By arming yourself with knowledge, seeking guidance from a qualified plastic surgeon, and embracing a holistic approach to the decision-making process, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on this transformative journey. Remember, a well-informed choice is a powerful choice, and your journey toward this surgery can be both rewarding and empowering when approached with careful consideration and awareness.

Choosing the right surgeon for your surgery can help you achieve the body you desire with maximum safety and minimal risk. Dr. Sudhanva H Kumar is an experienced plastic and cosmetic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation surgery.

Do you need a Breast Augmentation along with your Breast Lift?

Breast Augmentation along with your Breast Lift
Do you need a Breast Augmentation along with your Breast Lift?

Do you need a Breast Augmentation along with your Breast Lift?

“No two breasts are, the same even in the same woman.”


Breasts are naturally never symmetric and always have some minor differences between the two. These minor differences are routinely not appreciated; however, any significant difference in the breasts, or nipple-areola complex can make a woman conscious of its appearance. Women undergo aesthetic breast surgery for concerns regarding the size, shape, position, and symmetry of the breasts. A breast lift is performed to improve the shape, position, and symmetry of the breasts and a breast augmentation surgery is performed to enhance the size of the breasts. An Augmentation-Mastopexy (Breast Augmentation along with a Breast Lift) is performed when an improvement in size, shape, and projection is desired along with improvement in shape, position, and symmetry.

“As every person is unique, so is every breast.”


Here are some examples to help you decide on the right aesthetic breast surgery for you:

  • You are unhappy with the size of your breasts but happy with the shape, projection, and symmetry of the breasts.

This category mainly includes young women in their twenties or thirties who have not had childbirth or significant weight loss. Their only concern is the smaller breast size and desire for an improvement in the size or volume of the breasts and occasionally the shape as well depending on the patient’s preference.

Breast augmentation with silicone breast implants is the preferred procedure in these patients and can help achieve natural-looking breasts of the desired size.

  • You are unhappy with either the shape or projection of your breasts but are happy with their size and symmetry.

This category mainly includes women in their thirties or forties with sagging breasts as a result of aging or childbirth but who have a good natural volume to their breasts. Their main concern is the sagging breast shape or lack of projection.

A breast lift or mastopexy alone is the preferred procedure in these patients and can help achieve a more youthful shape and projection of the breasts.

  • You are unhappy with both the shape and projection of your breasts but happy with their size and symmetry.

Most women in their fifties and sixties with sagging breasts with loss of breast volume as a result of aging or massive weight loss belong to this category. Their main concern is the sagging breast shape with the deflated upper pole of the breasts.

An Augmentation- Mastopexy (Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift) is the preferred procedure in these patients. The implants help add volume to the upper pole, and this combined procedure can help achieve fuller and younger, natural-looking breasts.

  • You are unhappy with the size, shape, projection, and symmetry of your breasts.

Most women with small, sagging breasts or asymmetric breasts belong to this category.

An Augmentation- Mastopexy (Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift) is the preferred procedure in these patients. This combined procedure can help achieve larger, perkier breasts with a more natural shape and symmetry.

At the time of your consultation with Dr.Sudhanva, He shall create a personalized plan based on your goals, desires, and existing anatomy. He will explain the treatments to you in great detail and help you choose the right procedure.

To know more about these procedures, Schedule a Consultation with us.

Choose the Right Cosmetic Surgeon for Rhinoplasty(Nose Job)

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Surgeon for Rhinoplasty(Nose Job)

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Surgeon for Rhinoplasty(Nose Job)

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a transformative cosmetic procedure that requires both surgical precision and artistic finesse. The results can significantly impact your facial harmony and boost your self-confidence. Choosing the right cosmetic surgeon for your rhinoplasty is a crucial step in ensuring a successful and satisfying outcome. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential factors to consider when selecting the perfect surgeon for your rhinoplasty journey.

Why Choosing the Right Cosmetic Surgeon is Important for Rhinoplasty?

Choosing the right cosmetic surgeon is paramount when considering a rhinoplasty procedure. The skill and experience of the surgeon directly influence the outcome, ensuring both aesthetic satisfaction and patient safety. A qualified surgeon brings precision, artistry, and a deep understanding of facial harmony to the table, resulting in a successful rhinoplasty that enhances your natural beauty while maintaining functional integrity. Make an informed choice to entrust your rhinoplasty to a board-certified, specialized professional for a transformative experience that aligns with your goals and expectations.

Key Considerations When Choosing the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Board Certification and Credentials

  • Begin your search by verifying the surgeon’s credentials. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. Board certification ensures that the surgeon has undergone rigorous training, adheres to high ethical standards, and possesses the necessary skills and expertise for the procedure.

Experience and Specialization

  • Experience matters when it comes to rhinoplasty. Find a surgeon who has a good amount of experience performing rhinoplasty surgeries. Additionally, inquire about their specialization – a surgeon who focuses on facial procedures, particularly rhinoplasty, is more likely to have honed their skills and techniques for optimal results.

Before and After Portfolio

  • Review the surgeon’s before and after portfolio of his previous rhinoplasty patients. This will give you a visual representation of their skills and the range of results they can achieve. Pay close attention to patients with similar nasal features to yours to gauge the surgeon’s ability to address your specific concerns.

Patient Reviews and Testimonials

  • Read reviews and testimonials from previous rhinoplasty patients. These real-life experiences can provide insights into the surgeon’s bedside manner, professionalism, and overall patient experience. Websites, forums, and social media platforms often host candid discussions that can help you make an informed decision.

Consultation Process

  • Schedule consultations with a few potential surgeons to discuss your goals and expectations. Pay attention to how well the surgeon listens to your concerns and explains the procedure. A skilled surgeon will provide a comprehensive assessment, outline realistic outcomes, and address any questions you may have.

Communication and Comfort

  • Effective communication is essential for a successful rhinoplasty journey. Choose a surgeon with whom you feel comfortable discussing your desires, concerns, and any apprehensions you might have. A surgeon who listens attentively and communicates openly can ensure that your expectations are aligned with achievable results.

Surgical Facility and Safety

  • Inquire about the surgical facility where the procedure will take place. Ensure that the facility is accredited, adheres to safety standards, and is equipped with modern technology. A safe and sterile environment is crucial for successful surgery and a smooth recovery.

Anesthesia and Anesthesiologist

  • Understand the type of anesthesia that will be used during the procedure and the qualifications of the anesthesiologist. Your safety and comfort during the surgery rely on skilled anesthesia administration.

Follow-up Care and Recovery

  • Ask about the post-operative care and recovery process. A reputable surgeon will provide detailed instructions, follow-up appointments, and support throughout your recovery journey to ensure the best possible results.

Witness the Transformation: Rhinoplasty Before and After Comparisons

before and after nose lob

Rhinoplasty before and after comparisons offer a captivating glimpse into the remarkable transformations that can be achieved through this transformative cosmetic procedure. These visual testimonials showcase the skill and expertise of the surgeon, highlighting the subtle yet impactful changes that can harmonize facial features and enhance overall appearance. From correcting structural imperfections to refining proportions, these side-by-side images provide an inspiring illustration of the potential outcomes, reaffirming the power of rhinoplasty to boost self-confidence and create a more balanced, aesthetically pleasing profile.


Selecting the right cosmetic surgeon for your rhinoplasty is a decision that can shape your appearance and boost your confidence. By considering factors such as board certification, experience, patient reviews, communication skills, and safety measures, you can make an informed and confident choice. Remember, your rhinoplasty journey is a collaborative effort between you and your chosen surgeon, working together to achieve your aesthetic goals and create a harmonious facial balance that enhances your natural beauty.


Everything You Need To Know About Reduction Mammoplasty Surgery

Reduction Mammoplasty Surgery - Dr. Sudhanva
Everything You Need To Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

Everything You Need To Know About Breast Reduction Surgery

Heavy Breasts out of proportion to the body is often a cause of mental and physical distress to many. Big, heavy breasts can lead to frequent back, shoulder, and neck pain, infections under the breast, difficulty in performing exertional physical activity like running, inability to wear well-fitting clothes of choice, and excessive consciousness because of the size of breasts. All these symptoms can be alleviated by breast reduction surgery and allow you to lead a normal life with natural-looking, smaller-sized breasts.

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is aimed at reducing the size of your heavy breasts to a more harmonious size for your body. The breast is reshaped by removing excess skin, fat and glandular tissue and restored to a natural-looking breast of a smaller size. The areola which is often stretched out in cases of bigger size breasts is also reduced in size. A simultaneous breast lift is achieved against the down-facing drooping state of the heavy breasts. The result is instantaneous and most women undergoing breast reduction surgery are exceptionally happy with the outcomes.

Why you may consider Breast Reduction

● Chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain because of large breasts
● Repeated skin irritation/infection under or near the breast
● Restricted physical activity due to large breasts
● Unable to find well-fitting clothes as a result of large breasts
● Poor self-image or embarrassment due to large breasts

5 things to know before Breast Reduction

  1. It is not necessary to accompany breast reduction with breast lifts. In some cases, you only need breast reduction surgery which includes adjusting or repositioning the nipples to give them a natural and perky look.
  2. The type of surgery depends on various factors including the current breast size and composition. It is recommended to consult a board-certified surgeon to discuss the procedure and size of the reduction.
  3. After the surgery, you may expect a scar that will fade over time. The shape and size of the scar depend on the surgery planned.
  4. Although the result of the surgery is almost instantaneous, the final result can be appreciated by the end of 3 months once the swelling finally subsides. The relief from physical symptoms of large breasts can be felt immediately after surgery.
  5. After the surgery, it is recommended to avoid knackering work or vigorous exercises for at least a month in order to help your body heal and recover fast from the surgery. Light work and exercise can be started after 2 weeks of surgery. Breast Reduction or Reduction Mammoplasty is one of the most common surgeries with a high rate of patient satisfaction. Studies also show that there is an increase in self-confidence, energy, and stamina along with comfort level. It is necessary to always choose a board-certified plastic surgeon for the procedure for the best results.

What is the Procedure for Reduction Mammoplasty Surgery?

  1. Initial Consultation: The journey begins with a comprehensive consultation with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon assesses the patient’s medical history, discusses their concerns and goals, and conducts a thorough physical examination of the breasts.
  2. Preoperative Planning: Based on the patient’s unique anatomy and desired outcomes, the surgeon develops a customized surgical plan. This plan encompasses factors such as the optimal incision technique, the amount of tissue to be removed, and the desired breast size and shape.
  3. Anesthesia Administration: On the day of the surgery, the patient is placed under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort and safety throughout the procedure.
  4. Incision Placement: The surgeon carefully follows the predetermined incision pattern. Commonly used patterns include the anchor incision (around the areola, vertically down the breast, and along the inframammary fold) or the lollipop incision (around the areola and vertically down the breast).
  5. Tissue Removal and Reshaping: Through the incisions, the surgeon skillfully removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin. This step not only reduces breast size but also addresses sagging and asymmetry, resulting in a more youthful and proportionate contour.
  6. Nipple and Areola Adjustment: If necessary, the surgeon repositions the nipple and areola to a higher position on the breast mound, ensuring proper alignment with the new breast shape.
  7. Closing Incisions: After achieving the desired breast size and shape, the surgeon meticulously closes the incisions using sutures. These sutures may be absorbable, reducing the need for suture removal.
  8. Postoperative Dressings and Support: Sterile dressings and a supportive surgical bra are applied to promote proper healing and minimize swelling. Patients are typically instructed to wear the surgical bra during the initial stages of recovery.
  9. Recovery and Follow-Up: As the patient awakens from anesthesia, they are carefully monitored. Postoperative care instructions are provided, covering topics such as pain management, wound care, and activity restrictions. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor healing progress and address any concerns.
  10. Healing and Results: Over the coming weeks and months, swelling gradually subsides, revealing the final results. While some scarring is inevitable, its appearance diminishes with time. Patients can expect enhanced comfort, improved posture, and a rejuvenated breast appearance.
Read more- Here are 5 benefits of rapid recovery breast augmentation

Reduction Mammoplasty surgery involves a meticulously executed sequence of steps aimed at achieving both functional and aesthetic goals. Each stage of the procedure contributes to creating smaller, more balanced breasts that enhance the patient’s quality of life and overall well-being.

Benefits of Breast Reduction

  1. Helps in reducing back, shoulder, and neck pain
    The weight of heavy breasts can result in chronic back, shoulder, and neck pain. Significant relief from these symptoms is noted instantaneously post-breast reduction surgery.
  2. Helps in achieving a well-proportionate body
    Many women are conscious of having big breasts and choose it to achieve a well-proportionate body to maintain a desirable look. While there are various medical reasons to conduct breast reduction surgery, the cosmetic outcome of surgery is also among the top reasons to consider it. The ability to buy and wear well-fitting clothes of one’s choice is something that most women appreciate post-surgery.
  3. Improves Physical activity
    Some women may find difficulty in performing physical activities like running, jogging, playing tennis, etc due to heavy breasts and this can be improved with the help of breast reduction surgery.
  4. Improves Hygiene
    The large size of the breasts results in increased sweating and difficulty in cleaning under the breasts resulting in frequent infections. A small-sized breast can get rid of all these symptoms.
  5. Quick recovery time
    Breast reduction surgery is a safe procedure with a quick recovery time. The sutures heal in about 2 weeks. You will be able to perform all light activities from the next day of surgery. Light activities are advised for about 6 weeks until the sutures gain strength. Pain is completely controlled by pain killers and most patients are pain-free by 5 days post-surgery.

Cost of Breast Reduction in Mumbai

The cost of breast reduction surgery may vary in terms of countries, plastic surgeons,s and facilities available at the clinic. The basic cost of breast reduction surgery in Mumbai is in the range of Rs 80,000 to 4,00,000. The price for surgery depends on the procedure to be performed and the facility you choose for your surgery. It is a specialized surgery that should be performed by well-trained plastic surgeons only. To know more about affordable breast reduction surgery in Mumbai, contact us at Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery +91 94200 13366.

Everything You Need To Know About Tummy Tuck

tummy tuck before and after - drsudhanva
Everything You Need To Know About Tummy Tuck

Everything You Need To Know About Tummy Tuck

What is Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure where excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen is removed to help restore a flat, more toned and attractive contour to your tummy. Most often tummy tuck and liposuction are considered to be the same, however these are both two different surgeries. Although both help is achieving reduction of fat from the tummy, the major difference between the two surgeries is that tummy tuck also involves removing excess, loose skin from the lower abdomen and tightening of abdominal wall muscles which often becomes loose after pregnancy.

4 Benefits of Tummy Tuck

Pregnancy is most certainly one of the best phases in a women’s life, however it can leave behind stretch marks, loose tummy skin which does not shrink back to its pre-pregnancy state. In spite of the best of care, pregnancy yoga, creams, etc it is impossible to predict how one’s body will go through pregnancy, preventing stretch marks, getting back your well-toned abdomen. In some women, the body gets restored to its pre-pregnancy state within a span of 4-6 months, however in majority it is not possible as the way women heal and recover is also strongly linked to their genetics.

 benefits of tummy tuck- DrSudhanva

Everyone wants a fitter, tighter and more toned abdomen allowing them to wear the clothes of their choice without worrying about bulges or needing to wear body shapers. Regular exercise, diet and yoga definitely helps in toning and improving the body shape. However, the only treatment to deal with stretch marks, loose hanging skin and stubborn fat is a tummy tuck which can help get rid of these excesses and restore a flatter and better-looking tummy. Here are top 4 benefits of getting a tummy tuck:

  • Helps to get rid of stretch marks
    Stretch marks are created as an aftereffect of stretching the skin. There are various creams and products that are intended to dispose of stretch marks however, none of them are 100% successful. A tummy tuck surgery helps you get rid of stretch marks as this procedure involves removal of loose, excess skin from the lower part of the tummy which is the most common area to get stretch marks after pregnancy.
  • Can treat the abdominal bulge
    A bulge in the abdomen is most frequently a hernia or diastasis which occurs due to loose tone abdominal muscles. Ventral or umbilical hernias and diastasis of recti can be treated along with your abdominoplasty and can help you claim insurance for a part of the surgery. The abdominal muscles are routinely tightened during a tummy tuck to give you a flatter and more toned abdomen.
    Along with providing cosmetic and appearance benefits, a tummy tuck tightens the core abdominal muscles that support the spine which can help in reducing back pain and improves posture.
  • Provides a better belly button
    During the surgery, the surgeon makes a small incision and after removing the excess skin from the affected part the surgeon also adjusts the belly button in order to provide a better look.
  • Get rid of C-section scar
    A tummy tuck scar is a very fine line scar that is planned in a manner such that it stays hidden deep in your undergarments. Any scars in your lower tummy like the C-section scar or stretch marks below your navel are usually removed as a part of your surgery.

Cost of Tummy Tuck in Mumbai

The cost of a tummy tuck may vary from place to place and depending on the type of tummy tuck. In India, the cost of tummy tuck surgery may be between 90,000 to 3,50,000 INR. We specialize in body contouring surgery and Dr. Sudhanva H Kumar is among the few highly trained plastic surgeons from India offering best results with tummy tuck surgery. If you are searching for an affordable tummy tuck in Mumbai, then you can contact us at Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery on +91 94200 13366.

Most important Questions about Gynecomastia answered.

Most important Questions about Gynecomastia answered.

Most important Questions about Gynecomastia answered.

Gynecomastia or Man-Boobs or Male Breast disease is the enlargement of breast tissue in men. In this post, we have answered some of the most important Questions about Gynecomastia like What causes Gynecomastia? How to test for Gynecomastia? Can exercise improve Gynecomastia? Is there any medical treatment for Gynecomastia? and Does all gynecomastia require treatment?

Please read ahead to know more.

What causes Gynecomastia?

There are multiple causes for Gynecomastia, However, the most common causes are hormonal imbalance and weight gain. Other causes are medication ( drugs like finasteride for hairless, steroid use for bodybuilding, medication for anxiety/depression, etc to name a common few), Malfunctioning Testis, Thyroid, Liver, or Kidney abnormalities, and even some Tumours.

How to test for Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a common problem most commonly occurs due to naturally occurring hormonal imbalances at the time of puberty or old age. Weight gain is also a common cause for fat to accumulate in the chest. A thorough physical examination usually helps rule out uncommon causes. A hormonal examination, thyroid, liver, and kidney function tests may be advised based on physical examination.

Can exercise improve Gynecomastia?

Yes, if the Gynecomastia is predominantly fatty it will improve with exercise and weight loss.

Is there any medical treatment for Gynecomastia?

The treatment of Gynecomastia is mainly surgical ( Liposuction and gland excision). There are no medicines that can treat gynecomastia.

Does all gynecomastia require treatment?

No, Most minor hormonal imbalances correct themselves and the gynecomastia can resolve naturally. However, If the gynecomastia persists beyond two years, it is unlikely to resolve and may require treatment. Any gynecomastia that causes physical symptoms like pain, discharge, or discomfort is an indication for treatment. Physical Embarrassment, lack of confidence, unable to wear clothes of one’s choice or be bare-chested in public, and cosmetic purposes are common reasons to get Gynecomastia treatment.

Surgery for Gynecomastia or male breast reduction is the most common cosmetic procedure performed in men. The goal of treatment is to reduce breast size in men who are embarrassed by overly large breasts. Treatment includes liposuction, cutting out excess glandular tissue, or using a combination of liposuction and excision through small, hidden incisions. Surgery can make you feel comfortable revealing manly chest contours, clothed or unclothed, and gain more social confidence. Do not let Male Breast Disease restrict life. Make a Choice today. We offer Vaser Liposuction and scarless gynecomastia surgery.

Dm us queries about Gynecomastia. Also, read more about it on our Male Breast Reduction Page.

What is High Definition Liposuction and 6 pack abs creation?

What is High Definition Liposuction and 6 pack abs creation?

What is High Definition Liposuction and 6 pack abs creation?

What is High Definition Liposuction and 6 pack abs creation?

High definition liposuction also known HD Lipo is a new way to achieve 6 pack abs and a perfectly sculpted body through liposuction and fat grafting.It is also known as liposculpture or 4D Liposuction. Liposuction commonly known as lipo is a surgical way to get rid of the stubborn fat that is not easily shredded with the help of exercise or diet. High definition liposuction is an advanced recent technique of liposuction where fat is removed or added selectively, to enhance muscle definition and giving you a perfectly shaped muscular body. In high-definition liposuction, the patients can desire to have a highly sculpted and contoured body which is not the case in normal liposuction surgery. High definition liposuction is smarter and faster way to achieve the perfect desired body.

Who are the best candidates for high-definition liposuction?

Many of us desire to have a perfectly shaped body but sometimes it is difficult because of various reasons like inability to sustain or get results by diet/ exercise or desire to acquire the body in a short time. In these situations, High definition liposuction is the best option to achieve your desired body.

But there are certain criteria that need to be fulfilled to have the best results with high definition liposuction.
Below are the various expectations to become a candidate for high definition liposuction.

  • Should have an atheletic body type
  • One should be a nonsmoker
  • Should be healthy with a stable weight
  • Have an active life or motivation to maintain the body with further diet or exercise.

Let’s now find out the benefits of High Definition Liposuction

Immediate Results

In this method, the result of the procedure is seen immediately post surgery and continues to improve over next 2-3 months. The final result of surgery is seen by 3-6 months after surgery.

Enhancing muscle definition

Unlike traditional liposuction methods where only fat removal is the goal, In this method the fat is removed selectively to enhance the appearance of your muscles. This method also allows to obtain a six pack abs for men and women. The chest and arm definition can be improved as well.

Tightens the skin

We prefer to use the laser machine for liposuction which provides the ultrasonic energy and heating power to improve skin tightening post-surgery at the same time minimizing associated risks.

High definition liposuction is a safe procedure that allows you to achieve a desired muscular body. To get detailed information about high definition liposuction, connect with us. Dr. Sudhanva H Kumar is a board certified plastic surgeon with international training and expertise in cosmetic plastic surgery. He is among the best plastic surgeons for high definition liposuction in mumbai, India.

Top 5 Benefits of Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

High definition liposuction
Top 5 Benefits of Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

Top 5 Benefits of Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as mammoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that helps in reshaping and increasing the breast size and shape by using breast implants, fat grafting, or both.

What is Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

A rapid recovery breast augmentation as the name suggests helps in Rapid & smooth recovery after breast augmentation surgery. This advanced technique of breast augmentation when performed significantly influences postoperative care and shortens the recovery period.

In this blog post, we have mentioned some of the most effective benefits of Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation. If you are thinking of getting breast augmentation, then kindly read the entire article.

Top 5 Benefits of Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation

Here are the top 5 benefits of rapid recovery breast augmentation which i am going the explain one by one in the below section.

1. Less pain after the surgery

In this cosmetic surgery method, the tissues are less traumatized and hence there is little discomfort after surgery. Pain is significantly less allowing you to recover faster. 

2. Better mobility after surgery

A breast augmentation surgery routinely has patients being slow with physical activity. With the rapid recovery method, the patients are taught certain exercises before surgery which allows them to perform the same comfortably after the surgery. Patients are encouraged to walk and stay active within 24 hours of surgery.

3.No surgical drains 

Another benefit of the rapid recovery method is avoiding surgical drains as it reduces the risk of infections that can be caused by these drains.

4. Same-Day Discharge

In a rapid recovery breast augmentation procedure, the patients are comfortable going home the same evening/night. This enhanced recovery helps the patient get back to routine better and faster than usual which can be seen in just after 24hours of the surgery. 

5. Overall a comfortable recovery period

At last, the overall recovery period of breast augmentation is significantly reduced and helps the patients to resume work in a short period of time.


Rapid recovery breast augmentation is one of the recent advances in a technique that has changed the post-op care and recovery of breast augmentation and if you want to get more information regarding this procedure and the costs involved, then connect with us. We specialize in breast augmentation surgery and one of the few centers offering rapid recovery breast augmentation in Mumbai, Dr. Sudhanva H. KumarYou can contact us at +91 94200 13366.

Benefits of getting a Face Lift

Benefits of getting a Face Lift

Benefits of getting a Face Lift

Wondering how to look young without plastic surgery? How do i get rid of my loose skin of the face and neck without surgery? Are there any non-surgical alternatives to a facelift? Do I need a facelift? Am I old enough to get a facelift? Is facelift for me? Who is a facelift expert in Mumbai, India? What are the benefits of a facelift?

I am sure most of us at some point of our lives have googled these questions in our quest for the fountain of youth and looking young. We address a few of these questions in our blog below and a lot more information on facelift surgery is available on our website in the facelift section.

We all wish to look youthful with plump and tight skin as we have in our twenties. Our desires to have a well-toned jawline and the neck continues into 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. But as we enter our 30’s, our skin begins to lose more collagen than we can produce and slowly begins to lose its shine, suppleness and turgor. Stressors like inadequate sleep, poor diet habits, stressful life, lack of exercise and adequate skin care regimen contributes to early aging and making us look much older and tired for our age. As we pass on to late 30’s and into the 40’s the skin starts to become loose with appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This could be a nightmare to many and people begin their journey towards finding the fountain of youth by searching for home remedies, face yoga, YouTube videos of influencers and the search continues forever. Most of the content online either does nothing to your skin or gives a very temporary result. Most of you realise it sooner or later.

Anti-aging procedures help you maintain a natural and youthful appearance for your age. It needs supplementation with a good lifestyle for longer lasting results. In 30’s and 40’s, we begin to see early jowling, fine lines and creases and loss of some good body fat and collagen from our face. These changes can be treated by Botulinum Toxin , Fillers, Threads and some energy based non-surgical devices. As we grow older, the skin and muscles of the face and neck becomes loose and can no longer be just treated effectively by the above methods. This is where a facelift, neck lift, brow lift, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and lip lift come into the picture and can give long lasting effective results towards appearing youthful. Even though these are surgical procedures, they are extremely safe in well trained hands and are the only way to achieve the results that you are looking for. None of the nonsurgical treatments work effectively on your skin and muscles to restore youthfulness of your face and neck beyond a certain age irrespective of the number of sessions you do of any treatment.

A facelift or rhytidectomy is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps not only to tighten the loose skin of face and neck but also helps in tightening the muscles and restoring the fat which gives a naturally youthful appearance.

Benefits of a Facelift

  • Eliminates the signs of agingA facelift addresses multiple aging problems such as
    • Sagging skin of your cheeks, jawline or the neck
    • Deep nasolabial folds (creases that appear from the corner of the mouth to the nose)
    • Double chin or loose skin of your neck
    • Loss or displacement of facial fat

    A facelift can lift and tighten the sagging skin and restore the lost volume to give you well-rested, younger looking appearance.

  • Tightens up the sagging skinThe facelift tightens the muscles and tissues underneath the skin of your face and neck and restores the lost fat by fat grafting or fat redistribution. The loose skin is repositioned over it and excess skin trimmed to get rid of jowls and deep creases effectively and give a long lasting smooth, firm and clear, younger looking skin of the face and neck.
  • Eliminates double chin or loose skin of neckWe all hate the double chin and feel worse if it has loose hanging skin which we call the Turkey neck. A facelift helps restore a well-toned and more defined jawline with the tight neck skin by getting rid of excess loose skin, fat deposits in the neck and tightening the muscles of the neck.
  • Invisible surgical scarsThe incisions of a facelift are planned in a manner such that there are no visible scars that can be noticed easily. The scars are meticulously planned behind the ear, in the natural folds of the ear and within the hairline such that the secret of your surgery gets easily concealed and you look naturally young.
  • Natural-looking, long lasting resultsThe most common concern regarding a facelift is to look operated or having a fake looking face. The facelift surgery has undergone many refinements in technique over the years and the current focus lies in restoring as natural looking appearance as possible by repositioning tissues in their original position as they would be in your 20’s or 30’s. The whole purpose of the surgery is to make you look a better, looking younger version of yourself.

There are many benefits to a facelift that makes your appearance more attractive, natural looking and youthful however, the surgery needs to be performed by well-trained qualified plastic surgeons to avoid unsightly results or complications. Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar has mastered various facelift techniques, being trained under various world-renowned plastic surgeons and facelift experts. He customizes the surgery based on the requirements of the face and desires of the patient to give the most natural looking, youthful results.

Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Mumbai with an exclusive cosmetic surgery practice. To know more about facelift surgery you can visit our website or contact us directly on +91 94200 13366.

Everything you need to know about Neck Lift

Everything you need to know about Neck Lift

Everything you need to know about Neck Lift

Everything you need to know about Neck Lift

What is a neck lift?
The skin of the neck is as sensitive as your face and needs a lot of care. As we grow older the skin of our face and neck starts getting wrinkles and fine lines which makes our appearance dull. The loose skin of your neck can make you look a lot older than you actually feel or are, giving it an appearance of what is called a turkey neck. A Neck Lift helps tighten the skin of the neck and improve any visible the signs of aging. It is often performed along with a facelift. A neck lift also helps people with fuller, chubby, fatty neck with double chin achieve a more slimmer neck by getting rid of the excess fat and restores the attractive neck-face angle. By getting rid of the double chin, it also enhances the appearance of your lower face by giving you a more slender neck and a sharp, more defined jawline.

Benefits of neck Lift?
● Tightens the loose skin or jowls in the neck
● Gets rid of double chin or excess fat in the neck
● Tighten muscles of the neck to get rid of neck bands
● Restores a more natural and attractive neck-face angle
● Minimizes the wrinkles in the neck
● A slender, attractive neck with a sharp and more prominent jawline can be achieved

What is the procedure of Neck Lift?
To achieve a youthful and more slender neck, there are 3 steps that are followed during the surgery

Step 1 – Anesthesia
It can be performed under both local as well as general anaesthesia. Your plastic
surgeon shall recommend the most suitable anaesthesia after examination based on your desires and present anatomy keeping maximum safety in mind.

Step 2 – Incision
Depending on your requirements, neck lift can be done in two ways, the first one is traditional neck lift in where a hidden incision is planned along the ear going back into the hairline. In this procedure the excess skin is trimmed away and the neck skin is repositioned to give a more natural and youthful appearance and the second procedure is called a deep plane neck lift, where a hidden incision is placed under your chin to get rid of the excess fat from the neck and tighten the muscles on the neck. A neck and lower face liposuction is performed through tiny hidden incisions and improve its appearance.

Step 3 – Closing the incisions
The incisions are usually closed using the absorbable sutures or skin glue. A
compression garment may be occasionally advised. Some bruising and swelling is expected which disappears on its own in 7-10 days giving a more natural and youthful appearance to your neck.

Are neck lifts safe?
Neck lifts are a safe and effective procedure, but the surgery result may vary from person to person, we recommend you to consult a well trained, board-certified plastic surgeon for your surgery.

If you have any questions regarding neck lift, you may consult us at Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar, Aesthetic PlasticSurgery.