Everything you need to know about Neck Lift

Neck Lift
Everything you need to know about Neck Lift

Everything you need to know about Neck Lift

Everything you need to know about Neck Lift

What is a neck lift?
The skin of the neck is as sensitive as your face and needs a lot of care. As we grow older the skin of our face and neck starts getting wrinkles and fine lines which makes our appearance dull. The loose skin of your neck can make you look a lot older than you actually feel or are, giving it an appearance of what is called a turkey neck. A Neck Lift helps tighten the skin of the neck and improve any visible the signs of aging. It is often performed along with a facelift. A neck lift also helps people with fuller, chubby, fatty neck with double chin achieve a more slimmer neck by getting rid of the excess fat and restores the attractive neck-face angle. By getting rid of the double chin, it also enhances the appearance of your lower face by giving you a more slender neck and a sharp, more defined jawline.

Benefits of neck Lift?
● Tightens the loose skin or jowls in the neck
● Gets rid of double chin or excess fat in the neck
● Tighten muscles of the neck to get rid of neck bands
● Restores a more natural and attractive neck-face angle
● Minimizes the wrinkles in the neck
● A slender, attractive neck with a sharp and more prominent jawline can be achieved

What is the procedure of Neck Lift?
To achieve a youthful and more slender neck, there are 3 steps that are followed during the surgery

Step 1 – Anesthesia
It can be performed under both local as well as general anaesthesia. Your plastic
surgeon shall recommend the most suitable anaesthesia after examination based on your desires and present anatomy keeping maximum safety in mind.

Step 2 – Incision
Depending on your requirements, neck lift can be done in two ways, the first one is traditional neck lift in where a hidden incision is planned along the ear going back into the hairline. In this procedure the excess skin is trimmed away and the neck skin is repositioned to give a more natural and youthful appearance and the second procedure is called a deep plane neck lift, where a hidden incision is placed under your chin to get rid of the excess fat from the neck and tighten the muscles on the neck. A neck and lower face liposuction is performed through tiny hidden incisions and improve its appearance.

Step 3 – Closing the incisions
The incisions are usually closed using the absorbable sutures or skin glue. A
compression garment may be occasionally advised. Some bruising and swelling is expected which disappears on its own in 7-10 days giving a more natural and youthful appearance to your neck.

Are neck lifts safe?
Neck lifts are a safe and effective procedure, but the surgery result may vary from person to person, we recommend you to consult a well trained, board-certified plastic surgeon for your surgery.

If you have any questions regarding neck lift, you may consult us at Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar, Aesthetic PlasticSurgery.

Why is liposuction the best fat removal method?

Why is liposuction the best treatment for fat loss and not for weight loss?

Why is liposuction the best treatment for fat loss and not for weight loss?

Why is liposuction the best treatment for fat loss and not for weight loss?

What is Liposuction?
Liposuction commonly known as lipo is a cosmetic surgery to remove excessive and stubborn fat from body areas such as belly, hips, thighs, buttock, arms and under the chin. Liposuction is an excellent way to shape your body and get rid of fat that is difficult to lose in spite of vigorous diet and exercise.

Uses of Liposuction
It is a common myth for people to consider liposuction as a treatment for weight loss. Liposuction helps in shaping your body by getting rid of the excessive fat that you want to lose; however, the associated weight loss may not be significant. Once people lose the fat and appreciate the shape of their body, they usually get further motivated to maintain the results and improve upon it by following healthy lifestyle and regular exercise.

Benefits of Liposuction
Liposuction is a safe method to effectively remove these unwanted fat pockets and helps you achieve your desired body. Following are a few benefits of Liposuction:
1. It can help enhance the shape of your body by exaggerating your natural curves and getting rid of excess fat from other areas.
2. The fat removed can be used to re-inject and enhance the appearance of your
cheeks, lips, breasts or buttocks by fat grafting. Fat can be used as a filler and gives excellent results.
3. Liposuction is a permanent solution. The fat removed by liposuction is permanently removed. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, you can maintain the results for life.
4. It is performed through tiny less than 0.5cm cuts in your body which gives a virtually scarless appearance.
5. Localised areas of fat deposits can be targeted under local anaesthesia without
requirement of general anaesthesia.
6. An athletic body or 6 pack abs can also be sculpted through liposuction (also known as liposculpture or 4D liposuction) by enhancing the appearance of your muscles and strategically removing the fat around it.
7. The most common areas toned by liposuction are belly, love-handles, hips, thighs, arms, back, bra-roll and buttocks.
8. Lower face and neck liposuction can enhance the jawline and get rid of double chin caused because of submental fat.
9. It is the most common method to treat gynecomastia or man-boobs. The results are virtually scarless.
10. It is beneficial in treating lipodystrophy syndrome where fat metabolism is disturbed and leads to excessive fat in many parts of the body.

How to know if you are a good candidate for liposuction?
Liposuction is an effective cosmetic surgery to get rid of the flab or excessive fat. You are an ideal candidate for liposuction if you are within 30% of your ideal weight or have a BMI less than 32. Excess skin as seen around the tummy after pregnancy is best treated with a
tummy tuck. Smoking adds additional risks to the procedure and it is advisable for you to stop smoking for 1 month prior and 2 months post procedure. Following the post-operative instructions and wearing the compression garment as advised is important for best results. It is important to be motivated to follow a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise to maintain results.

Liposuction is considered to be one of the best treatment options for getting rid of excess fat and you must consult only a board certified plastic surgeon for your surgery as they are best trained for this procedure.

Dr.Sudhanva H Kumar has trained in body contouring procedures and liposuction under the world renowned plastic surgeons from USA, Brazil and Germany.
If you have any questions regarding Liposuction surgery, then you can consult us at Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

What can be done to correct a double chin?

Double Chin - Dr. Sudhanva
What can be done to correct a double chin?

What can be done to correct a double chin?

What is a double chin?

A double chin is accumulation of excess fat underneath your chin. Sharp features and a well defined jaw-line which are considered beautiful get blunted as a result of double chin. A double chin is frequently associated with gain in weight, however you need not be overweight to have one. It can also occur due to hereditary reasons or secondary to ageing where loose skin and neck bands may be associated with it.

How to get rid of double chin?

One can choose nonsurgical or surgical treatment for double chin as per their preferences. Non- surgical treatment for double chin is an office-based procedure with less downtime, however requires multiple sessions and can occasionally produce unsatisfactory results. The surgical treatments for double chin are performed as day-care procedures through tiny hidden incisions and often lead to more defined results with high patient satisfaction rates. Treatment options to correct a double chin Plastic surgeons are uniquely skilled to offer both surgical and non-surgical treatments to correct a double chin.

1. Injection Lipolysis (Non-Surgical Treatment)
This is an office-based procedure where DCA (Deoxycholic acid) a naturally occurring bile acid of our body which has a property to break down fat cells is injected into the chin through multiple tiny injections. At least 2-3 sessions, 4 weeks apart are required to achieve the desired results. The fat cell lysis (death) results in flattening of double chin over 1-2 weeks. Minimal swelling, bruising and pain can be expected, which settles on its own over a period of 1-2 weeks.

2. Submental Liposuction
Submental Liposuction is a daycare surgical procedure that can be performed under local anaesthesia. It is performed through a tiny hidden incision under your chin from where the excess fat is sucked out. This excess fat gets permanently removed to give you much improved contouring for your chin and neck. Liposuction can also be performed for lower face to give you a more defined jaw line and improve features of your beautiful face. Some bruising and swelling is expected which settles on its own by 2-3 weeks. Most patients resume work in 1-3 days as pain subsides post procedure. A compression garment is advised for 3 months for best results.

3. Neck lift

Neck lift is preferred procedure of choice where the double chin is associated with loose neck skin or neck bands. This procedure not only allows the surgeon to remove the excess fat from underneath the chin but also tighten the neck skin and muscles to give your neck a more contoured and youthful look. It is often performed along with a facelift to treat the jowls secondary to ageing. Some swelling and bruising is expected which settles in 2-3 week’s time. It is always recommended to consult a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon before opting for surgery. Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar is an experienced, internationally trained board certified plastic surgeon in Mumbai.To schedule a consultation with Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar, you can contact on +91 9420013366.

What aftercare is necessary for breast implant surgery?

Breast Implant After Care - Dr. Sudhanva
What aftercare is necessary for breast implant surgery?

What aftercare is necessary for breast implant surgery?

What is Breast Implant Surgery?


Breast augmentation also known as mammoplasty is a surgical procedure to change the size and shape of the breast usually by placing breast implants under the chest muscles or breast glands. The commonly used implants are made of cohesive silicone gel which maintains shape and does not rupture easily. One can consider a breast augmentation surgery for personal or medical reasons.

Enhancing self-image is one of them. Other common reasons for breast augmentation are as follows:
– Breast Asymmetry
– Disproportionately Small Breasts.
– Restoring breast fullness after pregnancy or weight loss.
– Mastectomy

What can you expect post Breast Augmentation?


Most breast augmentation patients are discharged the same evening or the following morning. The patient should focus on plenty of rest for the next 2-3 days until pain free. The ideal time to recover from the breast augmentation surgery is 1 week. Immediately post-surgery it is common to feel tightness and a foreign-body feeling around the breast, however, this feeling disappears as the body accepts it in 4-6 week’s time. It is also common to feel that implant is too big for the chest immediately post-surgery, however as the swelling settles and the implants take their natural position, the chest further shrinks by 10-15% giving you a more exact result by 1-2 months.

What aftercare is necessary for Breast Augmentation?


As mentioned above, the most patients are discharged the same day or the following day. We follow 24-hour recovery or rapid recovery breast augmentation and hence to speed up the recovery process there are few essential care tips that need to be followed.

1. Sleep
Sleep is an important aspect here not only to heal the body early but also to sleep in the correct direction. It is recommended to sleep on your back during the entire process of recovery. Sleeping sideways is also acceptable for people who are unable to sleep straight. You can sleep on your stomach after 3 months.

2. Exercise
For the first few weeks, patients are advised light activity without lifting of any weights. Full activity and exercises may be resumed after 6 weeks. Activities involving lifting of heavy weight can be resumed after 3 months. Stretching exercises and massage are taught after surgery need to be continued for 3 months post-surgery.

3. Supportive Bra
The breasts need to be supported during the process of healing. Hence, patients are advised to constantly wear a well-fitting sports bra or post-surgical garment for up to 3 months.

4. Avoid Smoking
The patients are advised to stop smoking for atleast 2-3 weeks before and after surgery as it is known to affect healing and delay your recovery post-surgery. Choosing the correct surgeon can resolve half of your problems. Dr. Sudhanva is an internationally trained and experienced plastic surgeon, an active member of the IAAPS, AAPS, APSI, ISAPS, and AMC. He is known for the natural looking results after breast surgery along with the compassion and care that he offers to all his patients.

To book an appointment with Dr.Sudhanva, connect with us on 9420013366.