What can be done to correct a double chin?

What can be done to correct a double chin?

What can be done to correct a double chin?

What is a double chin?
A double chin is accumulation of excess fat underneath your chin. Sharp features and a well defined jaw-line which are considered beautiful get blunted as a result of double chin. A double chin is frequently associated with gain in weight, however you need not be overweight to have one. It can also occur due to hereditary reasons or secondary to ageing where loose skin and neck bands may be associated with it.

How to get rid of double chin?
One can choose nonsurgical or surgical treatment for double chin as per their preferences. Non- surgical treatment for double chin is an office-based procedure with less downtime, however requires multiple sessions and can occasionally produce unsatisfactory results. The surgical treatments for double chin are performed as day-care procedures through tiny hidden incisions and often lead to more defined results with high patient satisfaction rates. Treatment options to correct a double chin Plastic surgeons are uniquely skilled to offer both surgical and non-surgical treatments to correct a double chin.

1. Injection Lipolysis (Non-Surgical Treatment)
This is an office-based procedure where DCA (Deoxycholic acid) a naturally occurring bile acid of our body which has a property to break down fat cells is injected into the chin through multiple tiny injections. At least 2-3 sessions, 4 weeks apart are required to achieve the desired results. The fat cell lysis (death) results in flattening of double chin over 1-2 weeks. Minimal swelling, bruising and pain can be expected, which settles on its own over a period of 1-2 weeks.

2. Submental Liposuction
Submental Liposuction is a daycare surgical procedure that can be performed under local anaesthesia. It is performed through a tiny hidden incision under your chin from where the excess fat is sucked out. This excess fat gets permanently removed to give you much improved contouring for your chin and neck. Liposuction can also be performed for lower face to give you a more defined jaw line and improve features of your beautiful face. Some bruising and swelling is expected which settles on its own by 2-3 weeks. Most patients resume work in 1-3 days as pain subsides post procedure. A compression garment is advised for 3 months for best results.

3. Neck lift

Neck lift is preferred procedure of choice where the double chin is associated with loose neck skin or neck bands. This procedure not only allows the surgeon to remove the excess fat from underneath the chin but also tighten the neck skin and muscles to give your neck a more contoured and youthful look. It is often performed along with a facelift to treat the jowls secondary to ageing. Some swelling and bruising is expected which settles in 2-3 week’s time. It is always recommended to consult a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon before opting for surgery. Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar is an experienced, internationally trained board certified plastic surgeon in Mumbai.To schedule a consultation with Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar, you can contact on +91 9420013366.

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