Posted on February 26, 2021May 30, 2024 by Dr. SudhanvaHow do Dermal fillers help in Anti- Aging? How do Dermal fillers help in Anti- Aging? What are Dermal Fillers? Dermal fillers are mainly composed of hyaluronic acid which is naturally occurring protein in our body. They are gel-like and when injected into the face can help add volume, hydration to the skin and restore a youthful appearance. Skin boosters are mainly dilute hyaluronic acid fillers that add glow and hydration to the skin without any additional volume. It is a non-surgical procedure office-based procedure and can giving a natural youthful look in a matter of few minutes Why are Dermal Fillers used? As we get older, our skin becomes less elastic and more fragile as the protein in our body called hyaluronic acid starts declining. It can affect our skin and result in loss of plump, youthful appearance of the face with fine lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers can be used to add harmony and balance to the face and it provides an aesthetically pleasing natural result! There is a wide range of FDA approved Dermal Fillers available and the choice of filler depends on the areas 5 Benefits of Dermal Fillers. Immediate Results : As Dermal fillers are relatively pain free and non-surgical skin treatments, you can see the result as soon as the procedure is completed. It also includes minimal risk of side effects and you don’t have to worry about recovery as the procedure has minimal downtime. Long Lasting Results: Dermal Fillers are truly magical as it helps to restore a youthful appearance and provides natural glow. It is believed that the effect of dermal fillers lasts upto one year. Comfortable Treatment: Patients who opt for dermal fillers treatment are given a topical anesthetic to numb the area of treatment. This helps the patient to feel comfortable and get a pain free treatment. Boosts Self-Confidence: Dermal Fillers are linked with boosting self-confidence as it helps the skin to repair and give a natural look. As the results of these fillers are aesthetically pleasing the patient feels good and confident. Boosts Collagen: As collagen plays an important role in maintaining and restoring skin. Skin boosters help restore natural collagen and provide a hydration and natural glow on your face. If you are interested in Dermal fillers or want to get detailed information about how it will benefit your skin, then you can contact Dr. Sudhanva H. Kumar. He is a board certified Plastic surgeon based in Mumbai and is considered as one of the best fillers experts in Mumbai.