Do you need a Breast Augmentation along with your Breast Lift?

Do you need a Breast Augmentation along with your Breast Lift?

Do you need a Breast Augmentation along with your Breast Lift?

“No two breasts are, the same even in the same woman.”


Breasts are naturally never symmetric and always have some minor differences between the two. These minor differences are routinely not appreciated; however, any significant difference in the breasts, or nipple-areola complex can make a woman conscious of its appearance. Women undergo aesthetic breast surgery for concerns regarding the size, shape, position, and symmetry of the breasts. A breast lift is performed to improve the shape, position, and symmetry of the breasts and a breast augmentation surgery is performed to enhance the size of the breasts. An Augmentation-Mastopexy (Breast Augmentation along with a Breast Lift) is performed when an improvement in size, shape, and projection is desired along with improvement in shape, position, and symmetry.

“As every person is unique, so is every breast.”


Here are some examples to help you decide on the right aesthetic breast surgery for you:

  • You are unhappy with the size of your breasts but happy with the shape, projection, and symmetry of the breasts.

This category mainly includes young women in their twenties or thirties who have not had childbirth or significant weight loss. Their only concern is the smaller breast size and desire for an improvement in the size or volume of the breasts and occasionally the shape as well depending on the patient’s preference.

Breast augmentation with silicone breast implants is the preferred procedure in these patients and can help achieve natural-looking breasts of the desired size.

  • You are unhappy with either the shape or projection of your breasts but are happy with their size and symmetry.

This category mainly includes women in their thirties or forties with sagging breasts as a result of aging or childbirth but who have a good natural volume to their breasts. Their main concern is the sagging breast shape or lack of projection.

A breast lift or mastopexy alone is the preferred procedure in these patients and can help achieve a more youthful shape and projection of the breasts.

  • You are unhappy with both the shape and projection of your breasts but happy with their size and symmetry.

Most women in their fifties and sixties with sagging breasts with loss of breast volume as a result of aging or massive weight loss belong to this category. Their main concern is the sagging breast shape with the deflated upper pole of the breasts.

An Augmentation- Mastopexy (Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift) is the preferred procedure in these patients. The implants help add volume to the upper pole, and this combined procedure can help achieve fuller and younger, natural-looking breasts.

  • You are unhappy with the size, shape, projection, and symmetry of your breasts.

Most women with small, sagging breasts or asymmetric breasts belong to this category.

An Augmentation- Mastopexy (Breast Augmentation with Breast Lift) is the preferred procedure in these patients. This combined procedure can help achieve larger, perkier breasts with a more natural shape and symmetry.

At the time of your consultation with Dr.Sudhanva, He shall create a personalized plan based on your goals, desires, and existing anatomy. He will explain the treatments to you in great detail and help you choose the right procedure.

To know more about these procedures, Schedule a Consultation with us.

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