How does a hair transplant work? Effects and procedure.

Hair Transplant
How does a hair transplant work? Effects and procedure.

How does a hair transplant work? Effects and procedure.

Hair Transplant is the procedure that enables hair growth in the areas where there is comparatively less growth or patchy hair fall.

Worldwide, about 60% of men and 50% of women experience some form of hair loss. To address this, people often use over-the-counter products, shampoos and conditioners.

Hair loss treatments and hair transplant are more effective and long-lasting than over-the-counter products.

Hair Transplant Procedure

A hair fall consultation with the plastic surgeon or dermatologist shall provide you with treatment options and medical management for hair loss. The bald areas are assessed and amount of hair follicles required for hair transplant is calculated. Hair transplant for baldness along with medical management for hair loss provides best results.

The hair transplant procedure is carried out by removing hair follicles typically from back of the scalp which is resistant to hair fall, isolating them and implanting them into hairless section of the scalp through tiny needle holes.

Before starting the procedure, scalp is cleaned and sterilized with an anti-infective solution. Local anaesthesia is given to make the procedure pain free.

The surgeon may perform hair transplant by one of the following techniques or both i.e FUT or FUE.

  • Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)
    A strip of hair is removed from the back of the scalp through a hidden incision within the hair. Using the microscope, hair follicles are separated and placed in groups. They are implanted into the planned treatment areas.
  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE)
    Hair follicles are removed with the help of tiny punches from the back of the scalp (donor area). Although this technique also produces fine scars, it is much less noticeable and doesn’t require any stiches. The hair follicles are separated and implanted into planned treatment areas as described before.

For the best results, you should follow all the post procedure instructions along with medical management for hair loss. The implanted hair falls off by 3 months and begins to regrow over next few months. The final results of hair transplant can be appreciated 9-12 months after the procedure.