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breast lift surgery in mumbai

Breast Lift Procedure In India

Most women would like their breasts to maintain its natural, perky, attractive shape, and proportion. However, with age, pregnancy, childbirth, fluctuations in weight, and as a result of gravity, the breasts lose their elasticity and firmness and begin to sag. A breast lift or mastopexy is a procedure to raise and reshape the sagging breasts to restore its beautiful, youthful shape and balance.

What is Breast Lift?

As you get older, the breasts begin to lose volume, projection, and position. A breast lift restores the drooping breasts to a more pleasing, lifted (higher), natural position with improved symmetry and shape to give you gorgeous breasts. A breast lift surgery may help boost your self-esteem and confidence. It can be combined with a breast augmentation if an improvement in size and volume is also desired. In larger, heavier breasts, a concomitant breast reduction is advised, as the weight of the breasts may cause the breasts to droop or sag again early after a breast lift.

Breast Lift Before & Afters
Breast Lift in India
Breast Lift in India
Best Breast Lift in India
Best Breast Lift in India

These Breast Lift surgery before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Sudhanva. They will help to assist you in understanding your various options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient for their specific case details.

Best Breast Lift Expert in INDIA


Here is a quick glance to all the essential information about our Mastopexy or Breast lift Procedure and Cost in India:


Time : 1-3 hours
Pain : Mild – Moderate 3-5/10
Visible Results : Immediate, Final results at 3 months
Results Last: Lifetime
Hospital stay : 12- 24 hours
Downtime : 1 day
Breast Lift Cost : INR 80,000 – 1,80,000
The reasons to choose Dr. Sudhanva and his team for your procedure are comprehensive

He is an experienced cosmetic surgeon with exceptional finesse and honed eye for an appreciation of natural harmony and curves in breast surgery.


r. Sudhanva is an active member of the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (IAAPS), an active member of the Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), a life member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI), with Fellowship from International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), and a member of the Association of Medical Consultants (AMC).

A board-certified plastic surgeon & expert with extraordinary expertise and skill to not only visualise the changes required to create pleasing & natural contours but also deliver that look to his patients.

He has trained in modern concepts of aesthetic breast surgeries, including 24-hour recovery, fat transfer breast augmentation, and hybrid breast augmentation to give you balanced, symmetric, natural-looking, gorgeous breasts.

He is also well equipped to treat complicated cases as previously operated breast augmentations, where an improvement in the outcome is desired.

He believes in customising the treatment plan using a variety of surgical techniques to give you a natural cleavage and beautifully shaped enhanced breasts that you desire.

He is a breast surgery expert uniquely trained with world-renowned breast surgeons across the globe. His interactions with specialist plastic surgeons at various national and international conferences have allowed him to achieve great results with uncompromised safety. The wide range of techniques and approaches learnt from each of these master breast surgeons has equipped Dr.Sudhanva with unparalleled experience to achieve your desired result with exceptional finesse.

  • Dr. Carlos Roxo, Brazil
  • Dr. Ulrich Ziegler, Germany
  • Dr. Frank Lista, Canada
  • Dr. Ruth Graf, Brazil
  • Dr. Rod Rohrich, USA
  • Dr. Giovanni Botti, Italy

Dr.Carlos Roxo

Dr. Carlos Roxo

Dr. Ulrich Ziegler

Dr. Ulrich Ziegler

Dr.Frank Lista

Dr. Frank Lista

Dr. Ruth Graf

Dr. Ruth Graf

Dr Rod. Rohrich

Dr. Rod Rohrich

Dr. Giovanni Botti

What are some common reasons why you may consider Breast Lift

mastopexy Surgery in India
  • You have Drooping or Sagging breasts where breasts have lost their shape and volume to now appear flatter and longer.
  • Your nipples and areolae have fallen from its position or now face downward.</li
  • Your breasts appear asymmetric, where one breast is lower than the other.

Breast lift surgery can restore youthful, attractive breasts with beautiful shape, volume, and projection.

Dr. Sudhanva
Consultation with Dr. Sudhanva

You will experience the warmth, care, and attention to detail that Dr. Sudhanva and his team shall offer to you from the time of your first consultation, through the breast lift perioperative process and throughout the entirety of your recovery and follow-up. Irrespective of the change you desire, from subtle to more dramatic improvement in your breast shape, they strive to offer the most natural results. The best breast lift is the one that doesn’t appear to be “done”. The passion, training, expertise, experience combined with meticulous attention to detail allows him to deliver one of the best breast lift results in Mumbai, India.

More Questions about Breast Lift

Details of Breast Lift in a Capsule

Time : 1-3 hours
Pain : Mild – Moderate 3-5/10
Visible Results : Immediate, Final results at 3 months
Results Last:  Lifetime
Hospital stay : 12- 24 hours
Downtime : 1 day
Breast Lift Cost : INR 80,000 – 1,80,000

What is the staging/grading of breast ptosis or sag?

Breast ptosis or sag can be classified into four types.

Glandular Ptosis Or Pseudoptosis:
It is drooping of the breast gland below the breast crease or inframammary fold, but the nipple-areola is positioned above the breast crease.

Grade I Ptosis or early breast ptosis:
Both the breast gland and nipple-areola droop slightly below the breast crease

Grade II Ptosis or moderate breast ptosis:
Both the breast Gland and nipple-areola droop more significantly below the breast crease

Grade III Ptosis or severe breast ptosis:
The nipple-areola is facing down and is the lowest aspect of the drooping breast

The type of breast lift is decided based on the grade of breast ptosis or sag.

What is the most important factor to consider while deciding to get a breast lift?

Scars are the most important factor in influencing your decision of a breast lift. Perky, youthful, attractive, higher placed breasts come at the cost of some scars as in any cosmetic surgery.

What are the different surgeries performed for a breast lift?

For early breast ptosis, a peri-areolar / circumareolar / Benelli / Donut mastopexy may be performed where the incision is placed only around the areola.

For moderate breast ptosis, a lollipop/ vertical lift may be performed where an incision is placed around the areola and a vertical line extending below it.

For severe breast ptosis or larger breasts, inverted T, wise pattern or anchor breast lift is preferred where the incision is similar to lollipop but further extends into the breast crease.

A breast implant can be placed through the same incision to add further volume.

Will the recovery after breast lift be painful?

Recovery after a breast lift can be easily managed by oral pain killers. Mild discomfort and tightness may be present immediately after surgery, which disappears as the body adjusts to the change in the breasts within a few days.

When can I start exercising post breast lift surgery?

Light exercise can be resumed 1 week after surgery, and more vigorous exercises not involving the pectoral muscles can be resumed 6 weeks after surgery. A full unrestricted activity can be resumed 12 weeks after surgery.

When can I resume work after breast lift?

It usually depends on how you feel. Most patients safely resume work by 7-10 days post-surgery.

Will the scars be visible?

The scars are carefully planned within the areolae, along the gentle breast curve and breast creases to make them less conspicuous. The scars also fade over a period of time.

Are the results of breast lift permanent?

Breast lift performed in women with smaller breasts usually have long-lasting results, while larger heavier ones can begin to sag again over time due to weight and gravity.

What are the potential risks and complications of a breast lift?

The specific risks and complications associated with your breast lift surgery will be discussed in detail during your consultation with Dr. Sudhanva.

Will my insurance cover breast lift?

Breast lift is a purely cosmetic procedure and is not covered under insurance.