Breasts have an important role in making women feel feminine, shapely and confident about themselves. Every woman’s self-perception of her physical beauty is strongly influenced by her breasts. Naturally small breasts, disproportionate to the figure, is the most common reason to seek breast augmentation. Breast augmentation surgery can be tailored to achieve fuller, more voluptuous breasts, an enhanced cleavage or subtle improvements as per your desires.
Uneven size among breasts, sagging, and deflated breasts due to loss of volume as a result of pregnancy, weight loss, or aging are other common reasons for women seeking this procedure. Breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty enhances the size and shape of a woman’s breasts to complement her body. Silicone breast implants and fat are used to enhance the bustlines. Keeping in mind your unique desires and physical anatomy, we plan your breast augmentation to help you achieve natural-looking, beautiful breasts with the perfect cleavage and curves to match your silhouette.
These Breast Augmentation before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Sudhanva. They will help to assist you in understanding your various options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient for their specific case details.
He is an experienced cosmetic surgeon with exceptional finesse and honed eye for an appreciation of natural harmony and curves in breast surgery.
r. Sudhanva is an active member of the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (IAAPS), an active member of the Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), a life member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI), with Fellowship from International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), and a member of the Association of Medical Consultants (AMC).
A board-certified plastic surgeon & expert with extraordinary expertise and skill to not only visualise the changes required to create pleasing & natural contours but also deliver that look to his patients.
He has trained in modern concepts of aesthetic breast surgeries including 24-hour recovery, fat transfer breast augmentation and hybrid breast augmentation to give you balanced, symmetric, natural-looking, gorgeous breasts.
He is also well equipped to treat complicated cases as previously operated breast augmentations, where an improvement in the outcome is desired.
He believes in customising the treatment plan using a variety of surgical techniques to give you a natural cleavage and beautifully shaped enhanced breasts that you desire.
He is a breast surgery expert uniquely trained with world-renowned breast surgeons across the globe and his interactions with specialist plastic surgeons at various national and international conferences have allowed him to achieve great results with uncompromised safety. The wide range of techniques and approaches learnt from each of these master breast surgeons has equipped Dr.Sudhanva with unparalleled experience to achieve your desired result with exceptional finesse.
You can enhance your breast size to natural appearing gorgeous breasts.
Breasts can be enhanced and symmetric to match your beautiful profile.
Breast volume can be restored to give you the perfect cleavage and full, shapely breasts.
You will experience the warmth, care and attention to detail that Dr. Sudhanva and his team shall offer to you from the time of your first consultation, through the breast augmentation perioperative process and throughout the entirety of your recovery and follow-up. Irrespective of the change you desire, from subtle to more dramatic improvement in your breast shape, they strive to offer the most natural results. The best breast augmentation is the one that doesn’t appear to be “done”. The passion, training, expertise, experience combined with meticulous attention to detail allows him to deliver one of the best breast augmentation results in Mumbai, India.
Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgeries across the world. Breast Implants are used to increase breast size in Breast enlargement surgery. They are safe, maintain shape and have no risk of Breast cancer.The Breast Implants are mainly categorised based on their core fill, shape and texture of its surface. Based on the core fill of Breast Implants, They can be categorised into Saline Breast Implants & Silicone Breast Implants.
Saline Breast Implants - These Breast Implants have a silicone surface but are filled with Saline ( Salt water). They are filled with Saline to get the desired size. These were popular in 1990’s and early 2000’s. The saline filled implants lost their popularity because they could burst like a water balloon resulting in loss of shape of the breast. It also had a problem of Rippling which means if you hit it, you could see ripples of saline moving on the breast. They were safe but lost out to silicone gel implants.
Silicone Gel Implants - These implants have a silicone shell and a core filled with silicone gel. Initially the silicone gel was very runny and if the shell of the implant ruptured a sticky gel would ooze out. Over time form stable silicone gel implants were created which maintain shape and do not ooze out even if the shell is ruptured or cut open. These are also called Gummy Bear Implants for the same reason. They do not burst or show visible rippling. They are extremely safe and maintain shape even with aggressive handling. The current implants available are 6th or 7th generation of breast implants which have evolved to give the best shape, safety and longevity.
Polyurethane Implants - These implants have a Polyurethane Shell and silicone gel filled core. They are not available in India. Commonly used in European and South American countries. They have a strong shell and have minimal chances of displacement (movement) after insertion. Capsular contracture rates are also low but no study has compared silicone gel implants and polyurethane implants in a large scale scientific study.
Based on the shape, Breast implants can be categorised into Anatomical Implants & round implants.
Anatomical implants - These implants have a tear drop shape to them. They are narrower at the top and fuller at the bottom. They are preferred in certain cases of Tuberous breasts where a rounder fuller shape in needed in the lower half of the breast compared to the top half. A problem encountered with anatomical implants is displacement which can occur if the implant rotates from its position. This can result in Malrotation which causes change in the shape of the breast requiring a corrective procedure.
Round Implants - Round Implants have a round shaped base. They are the most popular type of implants used across the world. There are scientific studies that suggest round implants and anatomical implants can give the same shape, size volume & fullness which cant be distinguished by even plastic surgeons from outside. The round implants don’t change shape by rotation and when correctly chosen & placed can give an ideal shape to the breasts.
Based on the Texture of its Surface, Breast implants are classified as Smooth, Nano or Micro textured & macro textured Implants.
Smooth Breast Implants- As the name suggests, The surface of these silicone implants is smooth, clear and transparent. Compared to textured ( Nano/Micro & Macro) the rate of capsular contracture with smooth implants was noted to be slightly higher. However smooth implants are absolutely safe and carry no risk of BIA-ALCL which was predominantly noted with macro textured implants of a certain company which was withdrawn from India.
Nano-Micro textured Implants - These are another category ofpreferred implants which have a very fine texture on them to help stabilise the implants on the chest. They have reduced risk of capsular contracture compared to smooth implants and carry no risk of BIA-ALCL as of now. Smooth implants & Nano/Micro textured implants are a preferred choice of implants across the world.
Macro textured Implants - These implants have a texture on their surface. They have low risk of BIA-ALCL but these implants of a certain company caused BIA-ALCL a type of lymphoma in small population of patients which resulted in the company withdrawing the implants from the market. However , it also resulted in loss of popularity of Macro textured implants because of its association with BIA-ALCL. They are available and preferred in Male to Female Top surgery by certain plastic surgeons.
Breast Implants available in India are mainly Silimed, Motiva, Sebbin & Euro-silicone. All these implants are imported into India.
Silimed implants are Brazilian implants made in Rio de Janeiro. They are excellent, durable implants, popular in Brazil one of the countries with highest number of Breast Augmentation Surgery.
Motiva implants are made in Costa-Rica. These implants are also popular, thanks to their marketting strategy & quality ofcourse.
Sebbin Implants made in France were quite popular until recently when the company filed for insolvency. They will be discontinued from now.
Euro-Silicone implants are also made in France and are now available in India.
All these implants are more or less of a similar price value. There are certain implants available in the black market in India at a cheap price. The quality, sterility and the make is highly questionable. Do steer away from anyone offering it to you. A safe procedure can be made unsafe by such practioners.
Over all Breast implants have evolved into a very safe, shape stable, durable implants which can augment the breast size and give you a pleasing desirable shape to the breasts. Dr. Sudhanva H Kumar is an expert in Breast Augmentation Surgery and has a vast knowledge about Breast Implants. If you wish to get breast enlargement surgery done, Dr. Sudhanva H Kumar can help you achieve the desired shape & size of the breast with advanced breast techniques in the most safe way possible.
Frequently asked questions about Breast Augmentation
Dr. Sudhanva will encourage you to list your concerns and discuss the changes you want to see. After a brief medical history and a physical examination, he will create a comprehensive plan keeping in mind your goals, desires, and existing anatomy. He will discuss breast augmentation procedure in detail, including its advantages, disadvantages, risks, and complications.
The cost of Breast Implants, augmentation surgery in Mumbai, India, falls within the range of INR 90,000 to INR 400,000, which is approximately USD 1200 to USD 5500.
He will also guide you in making informed decisions regarding the choice of the breast implant (its type, shape and size), the location of incisions, pocket location and placement best suited to match your desires and body frame. The implants are decided based on the anatomic measurements of your breast.
If you decide to move forward with breast augmentation surgery in Mumbai , Dr. Sudhanva will work diligently to help you achieve beautiful, natural-looking results. His extensive experience and skillful technique have made him one of the most trusted plastic surgeons in Mumbai. You can rest assured that you are in good hands when you choose Dr. Sudhanva for your breast augmentation surgery procedure.
Dr. Sudhanva will review your personalised surgical plan, anaesthesia, pre- and post-operative instructions, and follow up in detail and respond promptly to all your questions and concerns during these consultations. Photographic documentation for surgery will be done. You will undergo appropriate tests to assess your fitness for surgery.
A baseline mammogram or ultrasound may be advised before surgery. A firm, supportive, wireless sports bra for your recovery is ordered. A list of instructions to be followed before & after the procedure will be provided.
Implant sizers are tried to help you make the right choice of implant for you. Sizers are silicone implants mimicking different sized implants. They are kept inside the bra to allow you to see how a particular size will look on you in the mirror. We also do virtual sizing where your pictures can be used to show you how a particular size will look on you. Once confirmed, Implants are ordered.
The surgery is usually performed as a daycare procedure under general anaesthesia and takes approximately 1-2 hours. The surgery is performed through a hidden incision in the breast crease in most cases, other options being through the areolae or the armpit.
A pocket is created for implant placement, below the breast gland (sub-glandular), or under the pectoral muscle (submuscular) or both (dual plane). The chosen silicone implants are inserted into the pocket.
Fat grafting is performed if additional volume is required to balance the breast shape and proportion or to accentuate the cleavage. A breast lift, breast reduction or nipple surgery can be performed along with it.
Since it’s a daycare procedure, the patient is observed for a few hours post-procedure and discharged the same evening. We offer Flash Recovery where you can work & socialise from next day itself with adequate breast support. A wireless sports bra is advised for a minimum of 12 weeks. Absorbable sutures are usually used and do not need to be removed. They heal by 10-12 days time. The result of surgery is immediately visible and improves over the next 3 months once all the swelling reduces and skin redrapes to a more firmer and taut contour. Post-operative instructions, medications, and emergency contact details are shared.
You will follow up with Dr.Sudhanva 5-7 days and 10-14 days after the procedure. Additional follow-ups are advised at 6 weeks,12 weeks, and 6 months after your surgery. A follow-up is suggested every year and breast screening is recommended once in 3-5 years upto age of 40 and then once in 2 years thereafter.
Details of Breast Augmentation in a Capsule
What is the cost of Breast Augmentation?
The cost depends the facility you choose for your procedure – Nursing Home/ Hospital.
The cost of Silicone Implants is approximately INR 50000 for a pair.
The price range for the Surgery starts from 65000 INR plus medicines/consumables, Implants & gst in a nursing home setup.
The cost for Breast Fat grafting starts from 65000 INR plus medicines/consumables & gst.
The cost for a Hybrid procedure (Implants plus Fat grafting) starts from 120000 INR plus medicines/consumables, Implants & gst.
What are the types of breast implants used?
Silicone Implants : Round , Smooth Gummy bear Implants are preferred.
Implant Company : Sebbin (made in France), Polytech (made in Germany) & Motiva (made in Costa-rica) are commonly used
We prefer to use breast implants made of cohesive silicone gel which are FDA approved. They are safe and have a natural feel of breast tissue to it. However, saline implants are also available, which are filled with a saltwater solution and are slightly more cost-effective.
Depending on the texture, the implants can be macro, micro, nano-textured or smooth depending on its surface. We prefer the use of smooth implants or nanotextured implants. We do not use macro textured implants due to its risk associated with ALCL.
Depending on the shape, they can round or anatomic (teardrop-shaped) implants. Round implants give more fullness at the top while anatomic provide a more natural shape. The patient’s anatomy and desires guide the selection of the shape of the implant. Round implants are more popular among women.
What is the average lifespan of a breast implant?
Breast implants are not guaranteed to last a lifetime and have an average lifespan of 10 years. However, many women with breast implants continue without a problem for over 15-20 years. Rupture of the implant or capsular contracture may require revision surgery to change the implants.
Do breast implants cause breast cancer?
Studies have shown that breast implants are extremely safe and pose no additional risk to breast cancer. Mammograms taken after breast augmentation may need additional special views to cover the breast after breast implant surgery.
Will breast augmentation affect my ability to breast feed?
Most people can breastfeed normally after breast augmentation as the surgery does not interfere with breast glands and mammary ducts. The implant is usually placed through a breast crease incision behind the breast glands or muscle. Underdeveloped breasts having inherently fewer breast glands are prone to reduced milk production with or without surgery. Breast augmentation performed through the areolae can occasionally affect milk production.
Will the recovery after breast augmentation be painful?
Recovery after breast augmentation can be easily managed with oral pain killers. The pain can be described as mild to moderate pain based on the pocket of implant placement. On a pain scale of 1 to 10, patients typically give a score of 3 to 5 on 10. Submuscular implant placement is slightly more painful than sub-glandular placement. However, the pain subsides within a few days. Mild discomfort and tightness may be present immediately after surgery which disappears as the body adjusts to the change in the breasts within a few weeks.
When can I start exercising post breast augmentation surgery?
Avoid running, yoga, jumping, exercises for 6-8 weeks. Light exercise such as stretching & walking can be resumed immediately after breast augmentation and more vigorous exercises not involving the pectoral muscles can be resumed at 6-8 weeks, and full unrestricted activity at 12 weeks after surgery.
When can I resume work after surgery?
Patients with implants placed below the gland can resume activities by 2-3 days compared to implants placed under the muscle where recovery can take a little longer. Resuming work depends on how you feel. Most patients safely resume work by 7-10 days post-surgery.
Will the scars be visible?
Everybody heals differently; hence the way people scar also differs. The scars are carefully planned to be hidden within the breast creases, areolae, or within the armpit. The scars also fade over a period of time and can be almost inconspicuous.
What are the potential risks and complications of breast augmentation?
The specific risks and complications associated with your breast augmentation surgery will be discussed in detail during your consultation with Dr. Sudhanva.
What is BIA-ALCL?
(BIA-ALCL) Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic large cell lymphoma is a very rare cancer of the cells of the immune system that has been found to be linked to textured implants. There have been no cases of BIA-ALCL reported from India till date. BIA-ALCL is treatable. According to a Dutch study that quantified the risk of ALCL in women with breast implants, the estimated risk of developing ALCL for women with breast implants is:
Will my insurance cover breast augmentation?
Breast augmentation is a purely cosmetic procedure and is not covered under insurance.
Will I be awake during Breast Augmentation Surgery?
No, Breast Augmentation is performed under General Anaesthesia. Patient is fast asleep during surgery.
What are the things to expect after Breast Augmentation?
Things to expect :
Swelling : Resolves in 1-2 weeks. The breasts appear a little more fuller immediately after surgery and it decreases by 15-20% as the swelling goes down in 2 weeks time.
Discomfort : An initial foreign tight feeling may be felt on the chest for 1-2 months after which the body accepts and gets used to implant in the body.
Position of Implants: The implants appear a little higher in position immediately after surgery. They descend down to their natural position with gravity by 2-3 months post surgery.
Can I sleep on my chest after Breast Augmentation?
No, You are advised to not sleep on your chest for 3-4 weeks post breast augmentation surgery. You can comfortably sleep on your sides or back as per preference. After 3-4 weeks, any position of sleeping is allowed.