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Nose job in Chandigarh

A perfect blend of balance & proportion in the facial features is considered attractive and beautiful across all ethnicities worldwide. The nose being the centrepiece of your face, has a strong influence on your overall attractiveness. The “perfect nose” to your gorgeous face always sits in harmony with the rest of the face drawing as little attention to it as possible. The shape and size of the nose can be altered to bring about subtle to dramatic changes to enhance your natural beauty.

What is rhinoplasty?

A Nose job, more commonly known as rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can reshape, refine and improve the appearance of the nose. It can also be performed for functional reasons such as to correct breathing disturbances caused by structural defects in the nose. Many patients seek rhinoplasty for both cosmetic and functional purposes. Depending upon your individual goals, rhinoplasty can be personalized to achieve subtle refinements to more dramatic enhancements for a natural and beautiful result.

We plan the procedure keeping your unique desires in mind and tailor the surgery to achieve a nose that will match your facial anatomic features. Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex surgeries, and choosing a well-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon is of utmost importance. Even subtle changes in size, shape, proportion, and function of the nose can enhance your beauty, giving a stunning result.

nose job in chandigarh
nose job in chandigarh
rhinoplasty in chandigarh
rhinoplasty in chandigarh
nose job in chandigarh
nose job in chandigarh
rhinoplasty in chandigarh
rhinoplasty in chandigarh

These Rhinoplasty before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Sudhanva. They will help to assist you in understanding your various options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient for their specific case details.

Nose job in Chandigarh

The reasons to choose Dr. Sudhanva and his team for your procedure are comprehensive

He is an experienced cosmetic surgeon with exceptional finesse and honed eye for the appreciation of natural harmony and beauty in facial aesthetics.


Dr. Sudhanva is an active member of the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (IAAPS), an active member of the Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), a life member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI), with Fellowship from International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), and a member of the Association of Medical Consultants (AMC).

A board-certified plastic surgeon & expert with extraordinary expertise and skill to not only visualise the changes required to create pleasing & natural contours but also deliver that look to his patients.

He believes in customising the treatment plan using a variety of surgical techniques to help you achieve a beautiful nose to match your face and give you the best possible result.

He is one of the few surgeons from India trained in Dorsal Preservation Rhinoplasty.

He is well equipped to treat complicated cases such as previously operated nose jobs or nose jobs gone wrong (secondary and tertiary rhinoplasties) where an improvement in the outcome is desired.

The cost of Rhinoplasty or the nose plastic surgery price in Chandigarh at Dr. Sudhanva’s clinic, falls within the range of Rs 75000 to Rs 450000, which is approximately USD 900 – USD 5500.

He also performs Non-surgical rhinoplasty or liquid rhinoplasty for patients demanding non-surgical alternatives. If you are considering rhinoplasty in Chandigarh, Dr. Sudhanva is an excellent choice.

He is a rhinoplasty expert uniquely trained with world-renowned rhinoplasty surgeons across the globe. He often travels to participate in various international and national conferences to interact with specialist plastic surgeons about the nuances of various aesthetic procedures and techniques to achieve great results with uncompromised safety. The wide range of techniques and approaches learned from each of these master rhinoplasty surgeons has equipped Dr.Sudhanva with unparalleled experience to handle a wide spectrum of rhinoplasty cases.

  • Dr. Nazim Cerkes, Turkey
  • Dr. Rod Rohrich, USA
  • Dr. Wolfgang Gubbish & Dr. Sebastian Haack, Germany
  • Dr. Enrico Robotti, Italy
  • Dr. Bahman Guyron, USA

Dr. Nazim Cerkes

Dr. Rod Rohrich

Dr. Wolfgang Gubbish

Dr. Enrico Robotti

Dr. Bahman Guyron

Dr. Sebastian Haack

What are some common reasons why you may consider a Nose job

Rhinoplasty in Mumbai - Dr. Sudhanva
  • Your nose has a large hump
  • Your nose appears too wide
  • Your nose is crooked.

A large hump can be reduced for a more pleasing side profile
A wide dorsum can be made narrow to improve the definition of your nose
A crooked nose can be made straight and in alignment with your face

Nose Surgery in Mumbai - Dr. Sudhanva
  • Functional Rhinoplasty:
    • You have trouble breathing resulting from irregularities inside your nose.
    • A deviated septum or hypertrophic turbinates can obstruct nasal airways and reduce your ability to breathe freely. It commonly presents as nasal congestion, mouth breathing (especially at night) or snoring dry mouth, or a reduced sense of smell.

Septoplasty and turbinate reduction is often performed along with rhinoplasty to correct the septal deviation and open the blocked air passages.

  • You are unhappy with the tip of your nose
    • Droopy Tip
    • Bulbous Tip
    • Boxy Tip

A droopy tip can be elevated to a more attractive, natural position
A flat or rounded full tip can be refined and made sharper for a more attractive look

  • Your nose does not seem to fit with the rest of your face.
  • Anything that prevents you from feeling comfortable and confident with your nose is a reason for rhinoplasty.

Large, elongated noses with wide nostrils can be improved to a short, thin nose with narrow nostrils.
Rhinoplasty can correct any asymmetry, bumps, flatness, unevenness and imperfections present since birth or post any nasal injury to achieve a natural-looking pleasing nose.

Dr. Sudhanva
Consultation with Dr. Sudhanva

You will experience the warmth, care and attention to detail that Dr.Sudhanva and his team shall offer to you from the time of your first consultation, through the rhinoplasty perioperative process and throughout the entirety of your recovery and follow-up. Irrespective of the change you desire, from subtle to more dramatic improvement in the nose, they strive to offer the most natural results. The best nose job is the one that doesn’t appear to be “done”. The passion, training, expertise, experience combined with meticulous attention to detail allows him to deliver one of the best nose job results in Chandigarh, India.

More Questions about Rhinoplasty

Details of Primary Rhinoplasty in a Capsule

Procedure : Primary Rhinoplasty
Time : 2-3 hours
Cartilage preferred Nasal septum
Pain : Minimal to Mild (Pain score 2-4/10)
Visible Results : At 6 weeks, Final result at 1 year
Results Last: Lifetime
Swelling : 60-70% reduces in 6-7 weeks, rest over next 8-9 months.
Hospital stay : 10- 15 hours (Same Day Discharge)
Downtime : 1-2 weeks
Rhinoplasty Cost : 75000 to Rs 450000

Details of Secondary (Revision) Rhinoplasty in a Capsule.

Procedure : Revision or Corrective Rhinoplasty
Time : 3-4 hours
Cartilage preferred Rib Cartilage
Pain : Mild to Moderate (Pain score 3-6/10)
Visible Results : At 6 weeks, Final result at 1 year
Results Last: Lifetime
Swelling : 60-70% reduces in 6-7 weeks, rest over next 8-9 months.
Hospital stay : 1 Day
Downtime : 1-2 weeks
Rhinoplasty Cost : 75000 to Rs 450000

What is the cost of Rhinoplasty?

The cost of Rhinoplasty depends on

1. whether it’s a primary procedure (first time surgery) or a secondary procedure (already operated nose requiring revision).

2. The changes desired – Tip, Alaplasty, DNS correction, Hump removal, Bony Narrowing, Rib grafting, etc.

3. The facility you are comfortable with – Nursing Home, Hospital.

The price for rhinoplasty starts from 80,000 INR plus medicines/consumables in a nursing home setup. The price increases as per the changes desired, hospital and room you choose.

An EMI option can be offered for all rhinoplasties. A functional septorhinoplasty may also be covered under insurance.

The cost of Non-surgical rhinoplasty ranges from INR 25,000-30,000.

What is non-surgical rhinoplasty or liquid rhinoplasty?

It is the use of injectable fillers to improve the cosmetic appearance of your nose. It can be performed on an outpatient basis with no downtime (results are visible immediately). A lot of rhinoplasty goals like improving a drooping tip, hump or depression of nasal bridge correction, minor deformities asymmetry corrections can be achieved through this procedure. However, the results are temporary and may last upto 1 year, after which it may have to be repeated. It can give you an excellent brief preview to a nose job and help guide your decision.

What is septoplasty and septorhinoplasty?

The nasal septum is the wall in the middle of the nose that separates the right from the left nasal passages for airflow during breathing. The septum may be deviated or bent towards one side blocking one or both air passages causing breathing disturbances, nasal congestion, nose bleeds and recurrent sinus infections. Septoplasty involves various surgical techniques to straighten the septum and open the blocked air passages.
Septorhinoplasty combines septoplasty and rhinoplasty to improve the appearance and function of the nose.

How old should I be to undergo rhinoplasty?

You need to be at least 18 years of age and emotionally mature to understand and make decisions regarding the changes you desire in your nose.

What are cartilage grafts used in rhinoplasty?

Strips of cartilage are excised from septum as a part of septoplasty and are used to shape, strengthen or support the weak cartilage of the nose in rhinoplasty. It is also used to improve the airflow into the nose. Cartilage from the nasal septum is most commonly used as cartilage grafts, and it usually suffices provided the patient has not undergone any previous septoplasty. Other cartilage grafts used are ear cartilage or rib cartilage. Rib cartilage is a preferred site in cases where septal cartilage is unavailable or insufficient.

What is osteotomy?

Yes, we usually have a light packing in the nose to absorb blood from the surgery immediately after surgery. It is usually removed the following day. Two small tubes like structures may be sutured on the inside of the nose to help support the healing of septum and help you breathe freely. These are usually removed along with the external splint, occasionally kept longer if a delay in healing is suspected.

Will I have bruising ( black and blue under the eyes) after rhinoplasty and how long will it last?

Typically the bruising is seen after rhinoplasty if osteotomy is performed. The bruising is usually variable, with some people having a greater tendency to bruise and others less. Cold compresses are given immediately after surgery for a couple of days to reduce bruising. Keeping the head up after surgery also helps in reducing the swelling and bruising. It usually disappears in 7-10 days of surgery.

Will the recovery after rhinoplasty be painful?

Rhinoplasty is among the less painful procedures with patients grading the Pain as between 3 – 5/10). The pain can be comfortably managed with oral pain killers. If you are very sensitive to pain, we will always be available to assist you in making your post-operative period pain free.

How do I take care of my stitches at home?

You will be advised and taught to clean the inside of your nose using hydrogen peroxide on a cotton bud twice a day followed by bacitracin antibiotic ointment application over the suture line.

Do I need to look out for anything else at home after surgery?

Avoid any massage, manipulation or any injury to the nose for 3 months after your surgery. Avoid blowing from your nose for 3 weeks, sneeze with an open mouth. It is important to avoid using any spectacles or glasses on the bridge of your nose for 3 months. Avoid smoking until full recovery. Don’t forget to apply your sunscreen, if going outdoors post-surgery.

Will my scars be visible after rhinoplasty?

No, The rhinoplasty incision is planned such that the scar gets hidden underneath your nose. It is concealed inside the nostrils and on the underside of the nose.

How long do the results of rhinoplasty last?

The results of rhinoplasty are usually permanent. It can take upto one year for the residual swelling to disappear, and the final outcome will be evident. The nose continues to heal and improve throughout the healing process. A pleasing result can be obtained in nearly all cases.

Can I take a bath after rhinoplasty?

You can take a bath after rhinoplasty taking precautions to avoid getting your splint wet. You can take a normal shower after splint removal.

When can I start exercising post-surgery?

It is advisable to perform only light activities for 4 weeks after rhinoplasty. Avoid straining or lifting heavy weights for 4 weeks. Walking and light cardio can be started after external splint removal. You can resume your full exercise routine after 4 weeks with adequate precautions to avoid injury to the nose.

When can I resume work after rhinoplasty?

Desk work or computer-based work can be resumed immediately within a couple of days of surgery if you are comfortable being seen with the nasal splint and some bruising. Any physical work can be resumed after splint removal i.e.about 1-2 weeks from surgery.

When can I travel by flight after rhinoplasty?

Any air travel is advised at least after 1 week post-surgery to allow the swelling to reduce so that there is no difficulty in clearing the ears during your flight.

Can I undergo other cosmetic procedures at the same time as rhinoplasty?

Usually, rhinoplasty is performed as a stand-alone procedure to avoid exceeding anaesthesia time. However, a chin implant or chin liposuction can be combined with it at the same time as these procedures add to the delicate aesthetic balance of the face without taking up too much operative time. In case of minor refinements, rhinoplasty can be combined with any cosmetic procedures of the face, breast or body.

If I want something further changed after rhinoplasty, is it safe to have another one?

Revision surgeries are usually performed to bring about improvement rather than achieve perfection. They are technically more challenging to perform and consistent results more difficult to achieve. Hence it is advisable to get it right the first time itself and discuss all the changes you desire in your nose with your plastic surgeon before the first surgery. However, minor refinements can be performed to improve the result. Any revision surgery is performed only after oedema subsides, which is about six to twelve months after the first surgery.

What are the potential risks and complications of a nose job?

The specific risks and complications associated with your nose job surgery will be discussed in detail during your consultation with Dr. Sudhanva.

What are the Things to expect after a Rhinoplasty

Bruising (resolves in 3-7days) & Discharge from Nose (Resolves in 3-5 days). Majority of swelling resolves in 6-8 weeks times.

Will rhinoplasty be covered under my insurance?

Rhinoplasty is not covered by insurance as it is a cosmetic procedure. Septoplasty performed for functional purposes to improve breathing difficulty is usually covered under insurance. However, the problem needs to be examined, investigated and well documented before the surgery. You will also need to confirm it with your insurance provider.