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fat transfer surgery

Fat Transfer In Mumbai

The fullness of a beautiful, young face with rounded cheeks and plump lips best seen in the twenties gets lost with age. Although it mainly depends on your genes, most people start losing volume from the middle and lower face after crossing the mid-thirties, and it progresses further to involve the entire face in the fourth and fifth decade. Fat Transfer or fat grafting can restore the beautiful facial contours from your youth by replenishing the lost facial volume.

Mumbai Fat Transfer, What is Fat Transfer?

The loss of volume (fat) in the face is mainly seen in your cheeks, around the eyes, mouth, jawlines, chin, forehead, and temples. Fat is also lost from the ear lobules, back of the hands, breasts, and buttocks. The age-related deflation of the face can result in loss of prominence of the cheek, under-eye hollows, thin elongated lips, sunken temples, and lines and folds of skin around the mouth and jawline. Your own fat cells or injectable dermal fillers can be used to replenish this lost volume. Fat Transfer can restore the natural, soft, beautiful, and youthful contours of your face. It is also performed for hand rejuvenation, breast enhancement, and buttock augmentation.

Fat Transfer BEFORE & AFTERS
Fat Transfer to Face
Fat Transfer to Face
Fat Transfer to Face Before/ After
Fat Transfer to Face Before/ After
Fat Transfer to Face Before/ After with micro needling
Fat Transfer to Face Before/ After with micro needling
Fat Transfer to Face before & After pics
Fat Transfer to Face before & After pics
Fat Transfer to Face Before & After
Fat Transfer to Face Before & After
Fat Transfer to Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Transfer to Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Transfer to Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Transfer to Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Transfer to Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Transfer to Cheeks & Under eyes
fat transfer in Mumbai, India under eye & cheeks before after
fat transfer in Mumbai, India under eye & cheeks before after
fat transfer in Mumbai | under eye & cheeks before after
fat transfer in Mumbai | under eye & cheeks before after
fat transfer in Mumbai | under eye & cheeks before after Image
fat transfer in Mumbai | under eye & cheeks before after Image
Fat Grafting to Face, Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Grafting to Face, Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Grafting to Face, Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Grafting to Face, Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Grafting to Face, Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Grafting to Face, Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Grafting to Face, Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Grafting to Face, Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Grafting to Face, Cheeks & Under eyes
Fat Grafting to Face, Cheeks & Under eyes

These Fat Transfer before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Sudhanva. They will help to assist you in understanding your various options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient for their specific case details.

Best Fat transfer expert in Mumbai

The reasons to choose Dr. Sudhanva and his team for your procedure are comprehensive

Dr. Sudhanva is an experienced cosmetic surgeon with exceptional finesse and honed eye for the appreciation of natural harmony and beauty in facial aesthetics.


r. Sudhanva is an active member of the Indian Association of Aesthetic plastic surgeons (IAAPS), an active member of the Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), a life member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI), Association of Medical Consultants (AMC) with Fellowships from International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), and American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).

A board-certified plastic surgeon & expert with extraordinary expertise and skill to not only visualise the changes required to create pleasing & natural contours but also deliver that look to his patients.

He is trained in M D Codes, advanced indications of fillers, botulinum toxin, and minimally invasive techniques for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Dr. Sudhanva has conducted extensive research and published various research articles on fat Transfer. His expertise in different types of fat Transfer such as Macro, Micro, Nano fat grafting, and Short Needle Intradermal Fat grafting (SNIF) allow him to achieve great results with uncompromised safety.

He is a facial cosmetic surgery expert uniquely trained with world-renowned plastic surgeons across the globe. His interactions with specialist plastic surgeons at various national and international conferences have helped him expand his knowledge and expertise in fat grafting. The wide range of techniques and approaches learnt from each of these master plastic surgeons has equipped Dr. Sudhanva with unparalleled experience in facial aesthetics and anti-ageing treatments.

  • Dr. Rod Rohrich, USA
  • Dr. Ruth Graf, Brazil
  • Dr. Patrick Tonnard

Dr Rod. Rohrich

Dr. Rod Rohrich

Dr. Ruth Graf

Dr. Ruth Graf

Dr. Patrick Tonnard

What are some common reasons why you may consider Fat Transfer

  • You suffer from under-eye hollows or dark circles, deep skin grooves under the eyes, and a hollow lid-cheek junction giving a sunken and tired look.
  • You have lost the fullness from your cheeks as a result of ageing or dramatic weight loss.

Fat Transfer can replace the lost volume to fill the under-eye hollows, smoothen the lid-cheek junction to restore your alert, youthful, and refreshed look. It can also add volume to the cheeks and restore your plump and youthful look.

  • You have sunken temples, thin lips, fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, and forehead.

Fat transfer can improve the fullness in your temples, plump up lips, and be used to blunt and soften fine lines and wrinkles on your face.

  • You want to rejuvenate ear lobules (pinna), hands, breasts, buttocks, or vagina.

Fat Transfer can add volume, plump, and youthfulness to your ear lobules (pinna), hands, breast, buttocks, or vagina.

Dr. Sudhanva
Consultation with Dr. Sudhanva

You will experience the warmth, care, and attention to detail that Dr. Sudhanva and his team shall offer to you from the time of your first consultation, through the fat transfer procedure and throughout the entirety of your recovery and follow-up. Irrespective of the change you desire, from subtle to more dramatic improvement in your face, they strive to offer the most natural results. The best fat Transfer are the ones that don’t appear to be “done”. The passion, training, expertise, experience, and meticulous attention to detail allow him to deliver one of the best results with fat Transfer in Mumbai, India.

More Questions about Fat Transfer

Details of Fat Grafting in a Capsule

Time : 1- 2 hours
Pain : Mild- Minimal  1-4/10
Visible Results : 3 weeks, Final results at 6 months
Results Last:  Lifetime
Hospital stay : 12- 24 hours
Downtime : 1 day
Fat transfer Cost : INR 50,000 – 1,50,000

Does all the fat survive after Fat Transfer?

Despite adequate precautions, about 30% of fat usually gets resorbed after Fat Transfer. For this reason, an excess amount of fat is placed in the buttocks so that your desired result is achieved with the 50-70% of the fat that survives. The process of fat survival and uptake is unpredictable.

Is Fat Transfer a painful procedure?

The pain from the surgical procedure can be easily managed with the help of oral pain killers. Mild discomfort and tightness is expected until the body gets used to the fullness in the face. However, if you are sensitive to pain, we will always be available to assist your recovery.

Will the scars be visible?

The Fat Transfer is performed through tiny injections and is virtually a scarless procedure. The liposuction scars are also minute (<1cm) to be noticeable and usually fade with time.

What are the potential risks and complications of Fat Transfer?

The specific risks and complications associated with fat Transfer will be discussed in detail during your consultation with Dr. Sudhanva.

Will my insurance cover Fat Transfer?

Fat Transfer is a cosmetic procedure and not covered under insurance.