Eyes are the most expressive part of our face and convey most of our emotions, often giving away our age or the state of our mind easily. Any attractive face always has a gorgeous set of eyes, and it is unlikely for anyone to look beautiful without wonderful looking eyes. The eyes are also always the first to get noticed as we make eye-contact. Hence, eyelid surgeries or blepharoplasty is amongst the most popular and commonly performed cosmetic surgeries.
“The Beauty of a Woman must be seen in her eyes because that is the Doorway to Her Heart, the place where Love resides.”
a quote by Audrey Hepburn beautifully describes the importance of young, fresh-looking eyes. addresses not only this loose, sagging skin of the face and neck but also the muscles, fat, and fascia underneath to restore a natural-looking, youthful face.
However, the eyes are also the first part of our body to start showing the signs of aging. The age-related changes affecting the eyelids and the bony eye socket can make you look older, tired, sad, or even angry. Blepharoplasty is the cosmetic surgery of the eyelids and is commonly performed to treat droopy eyelids with excessive wrinkling, eliminate eye bags, and treat under-eye dark circles. The results of eyelid surgery are often dramatic in making your eyes look less tired and more alert giving them a refreshed and more youthful appearance.
These Blepharoplasty before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Sudhanva. They will help to assist you in understanding your various options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient for their specific case details.
He is an experienced cosmetic surgeon with exceptional finesse and honed eye for the appreciation of natural harmony and beauty in facial aesthetics
r. Sudhanva is an active member of the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (IAAPS), an active member of the Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), a life member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI), with Fellowship from International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), and a member of the Association of Medical Consultants (AMC).
A board-certified plastic surgeon & expert with extraordinary expertise and skill to not only visualise the changes required to create pleasing & natural contours but also deliver that look to his patients.
Dr.Sudhanva is trained in modern concepts of blepharoplasty, including non-surgical and minimally invasive techniques for comprehensive periorbital rejuvenation.
He believes in customising the treatment plan using a variety of surgical and non-surgical techniques in combination or alone to rejuvenate your eyes and give you balanced, natural-looking results.
He is an eyelid surgery expert uniquely trained with the best plastic surgeons around the world renowned for their peri-orbital rejuvenation and blepharoplasty techniques. The wide range of techniques and approaches learnt from each of these masters in eyelid surgery has equipped Dr.Sudhanva with an unparalleled experience to manage all kinds of aesthetic eyelid surgery.
He is an eyelid surgery expert uniquely trained with world-renowned plastic surgeons across the globe.He often travels to participate in various international and national conferences to interact with specialist plastic surgeons about the nuances of various aesthetic procedures and techniques to achieve great results with uncompromised safety. The wide range of techniques and approaches learnt from each of these masters in eyelid surgery has equipped Dr.Sudhanva with an unparalleled experience to manage all kinds of aesthetic eyelid surgery.
The blepharoplasty can make your eyes appear more rested and give you a more alert, youthful, and refreshed look.
Treating the lid-cheek junction, dark circles, and lateral brow rejuvenates the eyes. The improvement in the appearance of the face is often dramatic.
Adding an eyelid crease in people of Asian descent can make their eyes look more natural, bigger, and similar to other races.
You will experience the warmth, care, and attention to detail that Dr.Sudhanva and his team shall offer to you from the time of your first consultation, through the eyelid surgery perioperative process and throughout the entirety of your recovery and follow-up. Irrespective of the change you desire, from subtle to more dramatic improvement in your eyes, they strive to offer the most natural results. The best eyelid surgery is the one that doesn’t appear to be “done”. The passion, training, expertise, experience combined with meticulous attention to detail allows him to deliver one of the best eyelid surgery results in Mumbai, India.
Frequently asked questions about Blepharoplasty
Dr. Sudhanva will encourage you to list your concerns and discuss the changes you want to see. Any medical conditions that can cause functional problems of the eye like hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, glaucoma, and dry eyes will require further investigation and consultation with the ophthalmologist before planning the cosmetic surgical procedure.
After a brief medical history and a detailed facial assessment, he will create a comprehensive plan keeping in mind your goals and desires.
He will discuss the various surgical and non-surgical options, including ancillary procedures like a brow lift or browpexy, canthopexy that may help achieve the desired result in detail, including its advantages, disadvantages, risks, and complications.
Dr. Sudhanva will review your personalised surgical plan, anaesthesia, pre- and post-operative instructions, and follow up in detail and respond promptly to all your questions and concerns during these consultations.
It is essential to understand that upper eyelid and lower eyelid blepharoplasty are two separate surgical procedures. Photographic documentation for surgery will be done.
You will undergo appropriate tests to assess your fitness for surgery. A list of instructions to be followed before & after the procedure will be provided.
The upper eyelid or lower eyelid blepharoplasty are performed as daycare procedures under local anaesthesia with sedation or general anaesthesia and takes approximately 1 hour. The incisions are planned around the natural skin creases.
A thin strip of skin and any prolapsed fat is excised. For a transconjunctival blepharoplasty, the incision is placed on the eyelid’s inner surface, and the excess prolapsed fat is excised to give you a virtually scarless result.
For dark circles under the eyes, fat grafting is performed to restore the lost volume and smoothen the lid-cheek junction.
Since it’s a daycare procedure, you will be observed for a few hours post-procedure until you are comfortable and discharged the same evening. Immediately after blepharoplasty, slight discomfort, irritation, or dryness, bruising in the white of the eye or sensitivity to the light can be expected. Eye Drops are advised for a week in case of dryness.
Slight blurring of vision may be expected for a couple of days because of the swelling. Cold compresses are advised to minimise bruising and swelling of the eyes.
You are advised to keep your head elevated post-procedure to reduce swelling and maximise healing. Some bruising and swelling is expected after surgery which usually resolves in the next 5-7 days. Post-operative instructions, medications, and emergency contact details are shared.
You will follow up with Dr.Sudhanva 5-7 days and 10-14 days after the procedure. Additional follow-ups are advised at 6 weeks,12 weeks, and 12 months after your surgery.
Details of Blepharoplasty in a Capsule
Will the recovery after blepharoplasty be painful?
Recovery after blepharoplasty can be easily managed by oral pain killers. Mild discomfort or irritation is expected post-surgery but can be easily treated with medication. It is a very satisfying procedure with minimum downtime and dramatic results.
Are the results of a blepharoplasty permanent?
Yes, the results are permanent. Very rarely, there can be further age-related fat herniation. However, it is extremely uncommon.
Will the scars be visible?
The incisions are carefully planned to be placed in natural skin creases or just under the lash line to avoid being visible. In a transconjunctival blepharoplasty, the incision is placed inside the lower eyelid and is virtually scarless. Eyelids usually heal better than any other part of the body and give a natural-looking, refreshed result.
When can I start exercising after eyelid surgery?
Light exercises like walking, yoga can be started in one week after suture removal. Jogging and other strenuous exercises can be restarted 4 weeks after surgery.
When can I resume work after eyelid surgery?
The incisions are carefully planned to be placed in natural skin creases or just under the lash line to avoid being visible. In transconjunctival blepharoplasty, the incision is placed inside the lower eyelid. Eyelids usually heal better than any other part of the body and give a natural looking, refreshed result.
When can I travel by flight or drive after blepharoplasty?
Can I wear contact lenses after a blepharoplasty?
Contact lenses are to be avoided for 2 weeks post-surgery.
Can I wear my eyeglasses after a blepharoplasty?
Yes, they can be worn after surgery. Infact patients commonly use sunglasses to hide the surgical incision and swelling post-procedure.
Will my insurance cover blepharoplasty?
Disturbance of vision as a result of hooding of the upper eyelid skin, if documented by an ophthalmologist, can be a ground to claim insurance depending on your policy. However, we suggest you confirm with your insurance company regarding the same.
What procedures can be combined with blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty can be combined with any facial or body procedure because it’s a short procedure with minimal downtime. Upper and lower lid blepharoplasties are commonly performed in combination with fat grafting, brow lift, and facelift as a part of comprehensive facial rejuvenation.
What is periorbital rejuvenation?
Periorbital rejuvenation is the aesthetic treatment of all structures around your eyes, including eyelids and brows, to restore the beauty in your eyes. Apart from the surgical treatments (blepharoplasty) mentioned above, injectable hyaluronic acid fillers are routinely used to treat dark circles and restore the lost volume under your eyes. Bo tox is used to treat fine lines and creases around the eyes and even lift the eyebrow. The periorbital skin is treated using eye-creams, chemical peels, or laser resurfacing to improve its colour, tone, and texture to give you a natural, youthful, and rejuvenated appearance.
Will blepharoplasty get rid of wrinkles around my eyes?
Blepharoplasty does not treat the deep and fine lines around the eyes, and they are usually treated with botulinum toxin.
Will blepharoplasty also treat the dark circles under my eyes?
If the dark circles are a result of shadows of the fat bulges, an improvement can be noted. However, if they are a result of volume loss, they need to be treated with fillers or fat grafting or repositioning the fat. If the dark circles are a result of your skin pigmentation, it will need to be treated with laser resurfacing or chemical peels to improve their colour, tone, and contour.
What is lower lid laxity?
Occasionally the eyelid muscles become weak and do not tightly hold the eye, showing off too much white of the eye. It is usually tested by pulling the lower lid gently and allowing it to snap back. In the case of lower lid laxity, it does not snap back immediately and requires a procedure to tighten the lower lid, which is performed along with a blepharoplasty.
What are the potential risks and complications of eyelid surgery?
The specific risks and complications associated with your eyelid surgery will be discussed in detail during your consultation with Dr. Sudhanva.
What is Asian Eyelid blepharoplasty?
People of East Asian descent lack the natural upper eyelid crease seen in other races owing to the lack of insertion of eyelid muscle (orbicularis oculi) into the skin. Through an incision in the upper eyelid, the skin crease is created by suturing the muscle to the skin.