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Body Contouring Procedures

Body contouring procedures can help you achieve a curvaceous body with a well toned abdomen allowing you to carry off any dress with style and confidence. An improvement in appearance of the buttocks as well as the female genitalia can be achieved through body contouring procedures. Mommy makeover involves all the procedures aimed at restoring your  pre-pregnancy body shape.


Liposuction is a safe method to effectively remove these unwanted fat pockets and helps you achieve your desired body. Stubborn, unattractive fatty bulges can appear anywhere from chin, arms, breast, chest, tummy, waist and thighs upto ankle. 

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty can help restore a flat, more toned, attractive contour to your tummy and boost your body image. It involves tightening the abdominal wall muscles and removing excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen to restore a flat, taut, and more youthful tummy.

Mommy Makeover

Mommy makeovers are a combination of procedures aimed at restoring your pre-pregnancy body and help make you look and feel at your best again. A mommy makeover may include Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Buttock Augmentation and Vaginal Rejuvenation.

Buttock Augmentation

Buttock augmentation (Buttock implants and Brazilian Butt Lift / BBL) can improve the appearance of your buttocks, adding more curves to your sexy silhouette.The size and shape of your butt can be enhanced with the help of silicone implants or with the help of your own natural fat cells as in Brazilian Butt Lift.

Body reshaping after Weight Loss

Body contouring after massive weight loss are procedures to help you regain a beautiful body to match your lean and slim appearance. These include Arm Lift, Male breast reduction, Upper body lift or Thoracoplasty, Lower body lift (Belt Lipectomy or Fleur de Lis), Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation, Thigh Lift and Buttock Augmentation.


Arm Lift

An arm lift or brachioplasty with or without liposuction tightens the upper arm skin helps improve its contour. Flabby arms can often draw unnecessary attention, making you conscious of their appearance. An arm lift removes excess loose skin and improves the appearance of the upper arm. 

Body Lift

Anyone with significant weight loss are left with residual folds of skin and fat excess that can appear unsightly. A body lift removes the excess loose skin and fat to contour and reshape your body to a slimmer and more beautiful you.

Thigh Lift

Flabby thighs often rub against each other and can be a cause of huge discomfort while walking.  Thighs can be contoured and made slimmer by removing excessive fat by liposuctionA thigh lift can get rid of excess skin and fat to give more slim and taut thighs.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal rejuvenation or female genital rejuvenation involves procedures to improve the appearance and function related to these changes in female genitalia. These procedures include Vaginoplasty, Labiaplasty, Vulvoplasty, G-spot amplification and Hymenoplasty.