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body reshaping after wieght loss

Body reshaping after Weight Loss In Mumbai

Anyone who has lost a lot of weight through bariatric surgery (like sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass or laparoscopic gastric banding) or diet and exercise ends up with a significant amount of excess skin that does not spring back to the new leaner and slimmer body. Body contouring after massive weight loss are procedures to help you regain a beautiful body to match your lean and slim appearance.

Mumbai Body reshaping after weight loss, What are the Body reshaping surgeries after Weight loss?

As you reach the desired weight after weight loss, you may be left with loose rolls of skin from around the arms, chest, abdomen, back, thighs, and buttocks that don’t spring back to match your new lean body. The breasts also lose volume, becomes deflated and sags. Even though you feel lighter, the sagging skin of the body can affect your self-confidence and make you self-conscious about your appearance. The following body contouring procedures can help recontour your body and make you look as good as you feel after weight loss,

Body reshaping after weight loss BEFORE & AFTERS
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These Body reshaping after Weight Loss before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Sudhanva. They will help to assist you in understanding your various options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient for their specific case details.

Best Body reshaping after Weight Loss Expert in Mumbai
The reasons to choose Dr. Sudhanva and his team for your procedure are comprehensive

He is an experienced cosmetic surgeon with exceptional finesse and honed eye for an appreciation of natural harmony and curves in body reshaping.


r. Sudhanva is an active member of the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (IAAPS), an active member of the Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), a life member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI), with Fellowship from International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), and a member of the Association of Medical Consultants (AMC).

A board-certified plastic surgeon & expert with extraordinary expertise and skill to not only visualise the changes required to create pleasing & natural contours but also deliver that look to his patients.

He has trained in Brazil and Germany in modern concepts of body reshaping after massive weight loss.

He believes in customising the treatment plan using a variety of surgical techniques to help you achieve a natural, well-toned body with improved contours and give you the best possible result.

He is also well equipped to treat complicated cases as previously operated body lift cases (secondary body lift surgeries) where an improvement in the outcome is desired.

He is a Body Contouring expert uniquely trained with world-renowned massive weight loss surgery experts across the globe. His interactions with specialist plastic surgeons at various national and international conferences have allowed him to achieve great results with uncompromised safety. The wide range of techniques and approaches learnt from each of these master body contouring surgeons has equipped Dr.Sudhanva with unparalleled experience to achieve your desired result with exceptional finesse.

  • Dr. Carlos Roxo, Brazil
  • Dr. Ulrich Ziegler, Germany
  • Al Aly, UAE

Dr.Carlos Roxo

Dr. Carlos Roxo

Dr. Ulrich Ziegler

Dr. Ulrich Ziegler

Al Aly

What are some common reasons why you may consider Body reshaping after Weight Loss

  • You have excess, flabby, loose skin in upper arms as a result of aging or massive weight loss.

An arm lift can tighten the excess loose skin of the arm to give a well-toned appearance with improved contours.

Surgery after weight loss
  • You have enlarged breast tissue with sagging skin in your chest as a result of aging or massive weight loss.

A male breast reduction can help regain a flat chest to give a well-toned manly chest with improved contours.

  • You have excess, flabby, loose skin on the sides of the chest and upper back as a result of aging or massive weight loss.

An upper body lift removes and tightens the excess loose skin of the sides of the chest and back to give a well-toned appearance with improved contours.

  • You have excess loose skin in the central and lower abdomen, lower back with the deformed shape of buttocks.

A lower body lift removes and tightens the excess loose skin of the central and lower abdomen and lower back to give a tighter body with improved contours. The shape of buttocks are improved with a lower body lift as well.

  • You have Drooping or sagging breasts that have lost their shape and volume to now appear flatter and longer.

Breast lift surgery can restore youthful, attractive breasts with beautiful shape, volume, and projection.

  • Deflated breasts: loss of breast volume due to pregnancy, weight loss, or aging.

Breast volume can be restored to give you the perfect cleavage and full, shapely breasts.

  • You have excess, flabby, loose skin in the upper and inner thighs as a result of aging or massive weight loss.

A thigh lift can tighten the excess loose skin of the thighs to give a well-toned appearance with improved contours.

  • You have distorted buttocks as a result of massive weight loss.

Buttock shape can be improved along with a Buttock lift or can be augmented with the help of buttock implants.

Dr. Sudhanva
Consultation with Dr. Sudhanva

You will experience the warmth, care, and attention to detail that Dr. Sudhanva and his team shall offer to you from the time of your first consultation, through the body reshaping after significant weight loss perioperative process and throughout the entirety of your recovery and follow-up. Irrespective of the change you desire, from subtle to more dramatic improvement in your body, they strive to offer the most natural results. The best body reshaping surgery after weight loss result is the one that doesn’t appear to be “done” . The passion, training, expertise, experience combined with meticulous attention to detail allows him to deliver one of the best results with body reshaping surgery after weight loss in Mumbai, India.

Details of procedures for Loose skin after weight loss in a Capsule

Anaesthesia : General
Time : 3-6 hours based on procedures chosen
Pain : Moderate (Pain score 5-7/10)
Visible Results : Immediately, Final result at 3 months
Results Last: Lifetime
Hospital stay : 1-2 days
Downtime : 7-10 days
Loose skin after weight loss procedures INR 90,000 onwards based on procedure chosen
